Secret Relationships

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^ This song is fire


"Dean get up!" Sam yelled from outside the door, "Where's Cas by the way?!"

"I don't know I'm not his freakin' babysitter!" Dean shot back annoyedly, he groaned and rolled over nudging the man next to him slightly "Cas, wake up" He yawned and Cas slowly awoke "Morning" He said with a smile giving Dean a quick peck on the lips

Dean smiled back at him "Morning- c'mon we've got to get up, Sam needs us" Castiel nodded sleepily "Okay-" He muttered and rolled out of bed "Have you seen my pants?" He asked and Dean pointed to the end of the bed "I think your shirt is on the floor" He said

Cas sighed grabbing his things from around the room and throwing on his clothes "-Where's my tie?" Dean chuckled and pulled it from around his neck throwing it to Cas who rolled his eyes with a smile "Oh- screw you"

Dean raised his eyebrows "You already did- twice" He bit his lip and stood up, still naked from the waist down as he headed to the bathroom "Tell Sam I'll be out soon"


"Morning sleepy head" Sam greeted as Dean entered the kitchen and he broke off from his conversation with Cas "I had a late night last night" He muttered sleepily

"Yeah?- doing what?" Sam teased and Dean shot Cas a look "..Things- what did you want anyway?"

"I found us a case" Sam said handing Dean a cup of coffee and dropping a news paper on the table "Sheriff Dwayne Markham, he was found mauled to death in the woods, local authorities are calling it some type of animal attack"

"Werewolf ?"

Sam nodded "Yup" Dean sighed and took a sip of coffee "Sounds thin" Sam shrugged "You got anything better to do?"

Dean rolled his eyes and mimicked him childishly "So where to?" He said finally

"Quaker Valley Oregon"

I would write this part but I'm too lazy

They sat quietly in the car, no music and 300 miles left to go "Are you ever going to find someone?- you know settle down?" Dean said randomly and Sam frowned at him "What?"

"That girl back there she seemed pretty into you and you just kinda blew her off" Dean said; when they were at the bar Sam had been hit on by one of the waitresses there multiple times but he just ignored her the whole time as if he didn't even know he was being flirted with 

Sam shrugged innocently "I just wasn't into her" He muttered and paused for a second "Why do care anyway?-Is this about whatever is going on between you and Cas?"

Dean flushed "What?- no" Sam scoffed "I see the way you look at him Dean, and why I can't ever find him in the morning" He explained and Dean went stiff "Dude it's okay, you love him right?"

Dean nodded shyly "Yeah- I mean I think so"

"That's great Dean but I just don't think that what you and Cas have is in the cards for me"

"And you're so sure because?"

Sam sighed "I just- I found something out about myself a few months ago and I'm still kind of figuring it out"

Dean frowned confused "What is it?"

"..I'm gay" Sam said shyly and Dean paused for a moment not really knowing what to say  "..How do you know?" He asked, "Well- a while back, I hooked up with this girl while we were on a case, but I felt nothing- I got so bored I was staring up at the ceiling the whole time"

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