Figuring it Out

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Completely unrelated to the chapter but- I have been watching this show called 'Reaper' about a guy named Sam who on his 21st birthday finds out parents sold his soul to the devil before he was born and now he's stuck reaping souls that escape from hell with his friends Sock and Benji


Also since my creativeness has ran out this my last pride month chapter until the 30th (I think- I have to get some aromantic chapter ideas) so anyways enjoy!


Dean was drunk, he'd went to grab one beer out of his fridge but he ended up grabbing 3 more, he'd been having a pretty hard and confusing couple of months

Moving to Cali for college wasn't easy especially when his dad didn't want him to leave in the first place, and then he'd been screwing up some of his classes so he had to get a tutor a..really hot gay tutor

Castiel- Dean's official sexual awakening, he liked girls- only been an a relationship with two of them- but guys seemed to open his eyes a little bit more

Guys were great..awesome

And Dean found himself being attracted to them

So one tutoring session he had decided to ask Cas about it out of nowhere, "Dean- are you even paying attention?" Cas asked sounding annoyed when he noticed that Dean was zoned out

"Sorry- what were you saying?"

Cas rolled his eyes "Seriously- Dean just let me know if I'm wasting my time" Dean shook his head immediately "You're not I just..sorry- I've been distracted lately everything is confusing"

"What do you mean?"

Dean paused "..How did you know that you were gay?..that you liked guys?"

Cas blinked obviously taken back by the question "Um..I guess I just knew, I didn't see girls like I was supposed too, besides when my first girlfriend wanted to have sex and I couldn't get hard I pretty much knew"

"That seriously happened?"

Cas laughed "Oh yeah- and she was none to pleased either" He furrowed his brows "Why are you asking?"

Dean sighed "I've been..questioning, realising that haven't been seeing girls as much as I do guys- and I don't think that I'm gay, certain girls are awesome but guys.."

Cas frowned with a shrug "Maybe you're bisexual, or homoflexible" Dean frowned back "English?"

"Bisexual- you like both, guys girls around that spectrum or homoflexible, you're mostly into guys but you'd go straight for a girl if you really wanted to"

Dean nodded carefully "Huh..- I grew up in Kansas the only sexuality other than straight thrown around was gay- and it was usually as an dumb insult"

"Not surprising" Cas deadpaned, he closed their books "Let's take a break for today..-"


Castle shrugged "Yeah, why not?- you're gonna get a B minus either way" Dean put a hand over his heart "Jee- thanks, I can't fathom why you don't have a boyfriend yet"

Cas shoved him "Shut up"


Dean didn't now why but he felt the urge to call his brother; Sammy was back in Lawrence finishing up his last year in high school they ever only see each other on holidays and even if they did talk on the phone often this felt different

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