Til' Death Do Us Part

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Happy Birthday Destiel!💚💙


"Cas?" Dean muttered tiredly as he woke missing the usual warmth of Castiel from behind him. He frowned and turned over to find himself alone in an angelless bed, he groaned and reached over to grab his phone off the nightstand; it was 10am.

He rolled out of the bed taking a moment to stretch before slipping on his fluffy slippers and trotting downstairs, a happy feeling swelling in his chest as the wooden floors no longer creaked. "Angel?"


Dean rounded the corner and found Castiel making breakfast for one, he gave a gummy smile as he went to kiss Castiel on the cheek "You made me breakfast." He said and Castiel couldn't help but chuckle "I'd do it more often but you always complain about waking up alone."

Dean shrugged, there was no denying that it was true, he enjoyed Castiel's warmth more than he did breakfast if it had him waking up alone "You're not wrong there." Dean took the cup of coffee and took a sip, "Perfect, as always."

Castiel smiled as he sat Dean's plate down on the little dining table, "Have you spoken to Sam?"

Dean sat down "Not since last week why?" Castiel gave a shrug in response and Dean continued "He's too busy with his fiancé for us to be talking everyday anyways."

It'd been six months since the little roadtrip. Dean had moved out of the bunker with Castiel, into this perfect cabin in the woods, and Sam had also left with Elieen not too long after, she'd proposed the idea of marriage with a ring and Sam immediately said yes. Dean spent the first few weeks fixing up the cabin as something to do, he read books and had long conversations with Castiel that weren't about monsters or the end of life on earth but more his childhood.

They fell into a routine of sorts, everyday, they'd go to bed together and get up together, Dean would have breakfast while Castiel sat next to him either reading or they'd be engrossed in conversation, sometimes he went fishing, others him and Castiel would just sit outside on the porch and admire the view they had -which was beautiful by the way- rinse and repeat.

With every passing day Dean fell more and more in love with the domesticity and Castiel did as well and they both deserved every second of it.

After Dean finished his breakfast Castiel accompanied him in the shower and they decided to spend the better part of the day sitting out side to admire the beautiful lake that they lived before; it was one of Dean's must haves when him and Cas were looking for their little retirement home.

"You're quiet."

Castiel hummed "Mhm? Oh sorry..I'm just thinking."

"About what?"


"Oh yeah?"

Castiel took a deep breath and nodded "But it is fine- don't worry." Dean's brows furrowed but he didn't say anything on the matter "Okay."

He knew what day it was, Castiel knew what day it was but they never talked about if they wanted to celebrate. But Dean planned, for weeks- he called Sam and talked to his mother, he wanted it to be perfect.

Hours after their lakeside sit down, Dean decided it was time, he'd took the box out of its hiding place and tucked it away in his sweatpants before he headed downstairs to find Castiel reading before the fire place. "Hey Cas." He joined Castiel on the carpet, enjoying the warmth coming from the fire.

Castiel closed his book, "Hello Dean." He said setting it down, "I want to talk to you." Dean started, nervous as all hell but he forced himself to push through "About..us."


"Well..things are pretty much perfect right now, I love it here and I love that you're with me- that we're here together but I've been thinking recently that we've been..something for years but haven't really had anything to show for it." He pulled out the small box and opened it, "It's not an engagement ring or anything- it doesn't have to be at least I just-"

"I understand." Castiel cut him off and Dean finally looked up meeting Castiel's smile he smiled back, "It is beautiful Dean, thank you."

Dean gave a small shrug "Happy anniversary Cas..I love you." Saying the words had been getting a lot easier over the last six months and he loved that he wasn't saying it because one of them was dying or danger was near.

Dean slipped the ring on Castiel's finger and Castiel kissed him immediately, Dean was surprised by the sudden forcefulness but he just chuckled for a moment and kissed back. Getting more comfortable he leaned back to lie on the carpet while Castiel stayed on top of him still kissing him like a mad man.

Dean slid his hands up and into Castiel's grey pajama shirt pushing the fabric up helping Castiel get it off before getting his off as well. Sex on the carpet by fire? Fuck yes.

Castiel removed his pants with a thought and took Dean's boxers off, he materialised some lube and pushed Dean's legs up. Dean sucked in a breath when he felt the lube on Cas' finger being pressed against his hole, slowly slipping in

Fuck Cas was being as gentle as he could be but Dean was so fucking tight "Relax Dean."

"I am." Dean grunted out with his eyes still closed, Cas reached up with his other hand and started to jerk Dean's cock "Relax."

He drug out the prep until Dean was a moaning mess before him and he had gotten in three fingers, "Cas, angel..please."

Cas didn't know why but Dean begging just made his cock heavier, "Soon Dean." Cas patiently continued to prep Dean ignoring all of his little moans and whimpers until he was finally ready

He generously lubed up his cock over a condom before slowly pushing himself inside Dean, carefully bottoming out- Dean was seriously thinking he was going to die if Castiel didn't get inside him now "Oohh Cas.." Dean chewed on his lip, trying to keep himself from squirming.

"Just a little more." Castiel assured, hooking his hands under Dean's knees to wrap them around his back around his back as he leaned forward to kiss Dean and his boyfriend held onto his shoulders.

Working his hips, he wasn't the least bit rushing, Castiel pulled his head from Dean's shoulder staring into his eyes Dean stared back and it was like the whole world was gone. All that mattered right then and there was that him and Cas were making love for the first time in way too long, Dean really hoped that Cas didn't see the tear that rolled down left eye as they kissed passionately.

"Cas, angel." Dean tried to say but it really just came out as a moan, "Harder, baby."

Cas nodded and started making his thrusts more firm at Dean's request, wrapping Dean's legs around his upper back to be able to thrust deeper, Dean's lips fell apart and he moaned loudly wondering how the hell Cas got this skilled at fucking.

Cas rode him hard, his palms closed into fists as he dug them into the sheets working his hips harder, him and Dean panting hard aching to find their release in each other, Dean just layed there and took it loving every single second.

"Cas..I-" Dean's jaw clenched and he clawed at the carpet, without warning his hips jerked up and he was coming onto his stomach with broken moans of his lovers name.

Once they had both been fully spent, they rested a moment, their sweaty foreheads leaning together, and Cas' dick stayed inside of Dean's well fucked hole still thrusting lazily into him, Dean just layed there letting Castiel find his pleasure inside him.

Suddenly Cas was kissing him deeply as his hips stilled and he came, smiling against Dean's lips "I love you."

"I love you too."

Castiel cleaned the two of them up and rolled off from Dean, materialising a thin blanket to cover them leaving them with Dean's head on his chest "Dean?"


"I thought we were not going to celebrate."

Dean laughed, "I lied."

Castiel rolled his eyes but smiled briefly "Dean?"

"Yeah Cas?" Dean breathed out, shifting slightly to get more comfortable "I want to become human." There he finally said it, what has been on his mind for months- the words may have come out rushed but he'd said them nonetheless "What?- Cas-"

"I want to become a human." Castiel looked at him "So we can grow old together and get married-"

"Cas I told you-"

"I know what you said."

"No." Dean sat up "Where is this even coming from Cas?"

"I've wanted this for months Dean..I just didn't know how to tell you."

"Because you know I wouldn't want you to do that not for me- not at all, I love you like crazy but the thought of you dying before me?- Cas I don't want that."

"What about me?- I would have to watch you grow old and die, everyone we love would die and I would be left here.." Castiel took Dean's hand "You want normal Dean, you've always wanted normal..we can eat together- go to sleep and wake up together- we can travel on a plane- we can live." Castiel pleaded, trying to convince Dean that he didn't care about giving up his grace for him.

Dean sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, he swallowed "Cas..is that that you really want?"

Castiel smiled at him, rubbing small circles on the back of Dean's hand with his thumb "I've given up my grace for you before..this time I have the best reason."

Dean gave a hesitant nod, how could he argue with that? And besides if it was Castiel's choice he couldn't stop him "O-okay..yeah, do it, let's..get married and get old together."

Castiel beamed, hugging Dean unexpectedly, Dean laughed as he hugged back. Years ago his life truly began when he'd picked up Sam from Stanford, and since then though it had been a complete and utter whirlwind of shit, meeting Castiel was still the best day of his life even if he didnt know it then, and now everything had come full circle. He met Castiel thirteen years ago as an angel set to retrieve him from hell and now he was engaged to the same angel who was about to become a human so they could live out the rest of their lives however long they may be together.

They really were happy, and hopefully it would stay that way for a long, long time.


Yup! You wanted a proposal you got one!..sort of..I hope you liked this even though it was kind of short and rushed- school has kept me busy.

Anywho Ciao for now! 🏳️‍🌈

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