Morning Sex

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Dean was laying naked on his side head buried into the pillow and Cas was cuddled up beside him being the big spoon as usual- he was also naked

"Dean?- are you awake?" He asked quietly and Dean moved ever so slightly

He grunted "I am now" He frowned "Why?" He felt Cas move the sheets that covered them a little and rub against his ass "Oh..I see, you're just horny huh?" He smirked a little

"Maybe.." Cas silently kissed him on the cheek before he started to rub at Dean's hole with his fingers, he used a bit of grace to open him up to make sure Dean would be comfortable before he slipped his cock into the hunter

Dean didn't cry out or moan, but his face twisted slightly when Cas bottomed out until his ass was snug  against Cas' crotch, starting to move, he nuzzled his head into Dean's hair

"Relax, Dean" Cas whispered when Dean squeezed his legs together at the pressure, he calmed at the soft tone of Cas' words and how he pressed a kiss to his hair

He loved how Cas rutted against him lovingly, nailing his spot "Mmph Cas.." His breathing sped and turned into soft grunts, Cas felt his boyfriend clench around him and smiled

Cas thrusted his hips harder rocking faster into Dean, Dean gripped the sheets as his face tightened he felt Cas spill into him just as he came himself

He sighed happily and Cas looked over to instantly kiss him with a smile on his face, Dean felt the mess between them vanish and he let himself smile

Slowly he turned over onto his back, still kissing Cas "I love you, you know that?" He whispered

Castiel smiled as well "I love you too Dean" He pulled out to lay beside him

"Aww how cute, pancakes are ready"

Dean's head turned to the open door "Sammy?!- how long have you been there"

Sam waved a dismissive hand "Don't worry didn't see the lovemaking bit- just wanted to tell you mom made breakfast"

"Well be out soon Sam"

Dean couldn't help but smile, everything was just how it was supposed to be, he had Cas, his mom- all of their was perfect

(If only it was the same universe we've been watching)


If y'all didn't get the ending this fic was basically another world destiel where they were out and proud non of those fucked up deaths happened and they had a good relationship with Mary after she came back also this like s8

Anyways hope you enjoyed!- and if you want to see a irl version of the smut -not crazy explicit- I got the idea from this Ian and Mickey deleted scene on yt

(Trust me it'll be worth it)

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