A Very Supernatural Christmas

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Merry Christmas! 🎄and Happy Xmas birthday to my brother who I may or may not forgotten it was also his birthday

My bad


It was the first Christmas that the Winchesters were choosing to celebrate in a while since Dean's death years back

They usually avoided the holiday but this year was different, they had their friends and they had their family

Dean and Cas were finally together in the way that they should've been years ago, Sam had his archangel- they had invited Clark and is mother over since Jack and him had been getting closer and of course they had mamma Winchester back

Everything was perfect

Gabriel stood in the in the large and recently emptied portion of the library happy with his work, he looked to Jack who was starting quizzically at the large tree they had just decorated

In light of Christmas spirt Gabriel didn't just snap one up but instead got a big ass snowy tree and boxes of ornaments and lights to hang on it, he had enlisted Jack's help to do so, wanting to spend time with his nephew along with Clair, Kaia, Clark and the rest of the wayward girls, while the other adults were in the kitchen preparing their Christmas dinner courtesy of Mary and Dean's amazing cooking

"So what do you guys think?" He asked them and they all looked the tree up and down "Perfect" Claire smiled sitting down on the pillows and cuddling Kaia; it was her first time celebrating Christmas with a family like the Winchesters and though she she wouldn't admit it, she was excited "But it's missing something" She pointed to the top of the tree where the star was meant to be

Gabriel shrugged and waved her off "Oh I got that part covered" He whistled loudly "Oh Sammy!" He sang and the moose came running "You finshed with the tree?" He asked looking at his boyfriend and the worn out teens

"Almost" Gabe picked up the ornament and snapped his fingers, suddenly he was sitting on Sam's shoulders "Gabe!" Sam yelped while the teenagers laughed

"Go forth my moose!" Gabriel directed him and Sam huffed walking them over to the tree Gabriel leaned in and placed the star on top "Now it's perfect" He bent him self down from Sam's shoulders to place an upside down kiss to his lips

Clark leaned into whisper to Claire and Jack "Your family is wack"

"We know" Claire said simply "You'll get used to it" She beamed at the couple while they started argue playfully- just when Dean and Cas made their way to the library

"What the fu-"

"Language!" Castiel stopped Dean and Jack huffed rolling eyes a little "I'm not a child..I know the word fudge" Clark chuckled at his boyfriend and kissed his pout away "You're adorable little angel"

Dean smiled subconsciously at the two, they reminded him so much off him and his angel "..Well when you're done mounting your boyfriend you might wanna come help us set the table"


So they sat, all of them together, Donna and her boyfriend Doug, Jody and the girls, Mary, Sam Dean Clark and their angels, bizzaro world Bobby and Charlie

They ate, they had fun and laughed, they got semi drunk and Dean challenge the sweet toothed archangel to a pie eating contest, which he surprisingly won

Mary told embarrassing stories about Dean when he was little and they two angels recalled the time they first met the Winchester boys falling head first into their crazy lives

Needless to say it was definitely a Christmas to remember ❄



They headed to the kitchen to clear their plates, Dean gasped in shock when Mary and Jody stood under mistletoe sharing a passionate kiss "Mom!" He said in joking horror

They broke apart awkwardly at Dean's outburst, Gabriel blinked "Well damn"

Mary and Jody blushed "Surprise?"


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