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Disclaimer: I barley even proof read this, also random ass song

Gabriel screamed he pleaded for the pain to stop he fell to the floor cluching his back tears streaming down his pained face, he shivered on the cold hard ground he sniffed "Please..make it stop" He begged profusely gaping at the pain that corced through his veins but the only thing heard was devilish laughing


"Gabriel! Gabriel! wake up!" Sam shook his screaming boyfriend attempting to wake him, Sam was asleep when he felt Gabriel start to shake beside him and he instantly knew that Gabriel was having a nightmare he had been having them a lot recently but he wouldn't talk to Sam about them, Sam gasped as Gabriel's wings sprouted from his back clasping around him and Sam as if trying to protect them

Sam was still trying to wake up the archangel but Gabriel only struggled more fidgeting in Sam's grasp muttering quiet pleas for help, the moment Sam knew that shaking Gabriel wasn't working he stopped to think of a better plan, he obviously couldn't leave his boyfriend like this reliving his agonizing torture

After about a minute trying to find a way to wake Gabriel, Sam thought of something, it was obviously a long shot but he had to try,he held Gabriel's whimpering body still and leaned closer to press his soft lips on Gabriel's, the archangel's rapid breathing slowed down, Sam could've sworn Gabriel kissed back they stayed like that for a while until Gabriel stopped shaking and his eyes finally fluttered open

Sam broke away from Gabriel's lips and instantly hugged him tight, the whimpering angel cried in Sam's arms shivering in fear "It's okay Gabriel he can't hurt you..not agian" Sam comforted stroking Gabriel's hair "I'm so sorry" Gabriel apologised, Sam furrowed his eyebrows and pushed away from the hug looking up at Gabriel, he flinched at the tear stains on Gabriel's beautiful face "For what?" He asked

"For making you put up with my nightmares-" He put is head down shamefully "I don't deserve you Sam" Gabriel whispered, "Gabriel look at me" The archangel hesitantly looked up to face Sam "I love you okay?..I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when we got together, I'm not 'putting up' with anything" Sam reassured with a smile

"But-" Gabriel started "No 'but's' Gabriel don't ever apologise to me for something that you can't help" Gabriel reluctantly nodded "I love you" He whispered, as they fell back to sleep cuddling, and holding each other close, Sam held Gabriel's hand tight and through the entire night he never let go

Funny enough that was the last time Gabriel had a nightmare ever again



I realised that I've been making a lot of Sabriel shots recently, I seriously have like 3 Sabriel drafts and 1 Destiel that I've barley written

I think I have a Sabriel problem


Also I keep forgetting but thank you all sm for 799 reads! I never even thought I would pass 100 or even keep writing but I'm super glad I did

Hope y'all enjoyed this chap till next time

*Gives everyone frozen chocolate bars* idk I had one and now I'm in love

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