Brothers Right?

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Dean groaned eternally remembering that he was supposed to pick up Sam from his 'playdate' with his new friend Gabriel

It's not that he wasn't happy that Sam had made a friend; when they moved for the last time he was sure Sammy was done trying but Gabriel had got him to smile again which made Dean happy for the both of them, he could stop worrying about Sam so much, with him being only eighteen it was hard to take care of Sam on his own

Jumping off of his bed he grabbed his keys from the table and got into his Impala sliding on his black shades before starting up the car and driving off and fifteen minutes later he pulled up to The Novak Residence

Stalking up the steps he knocked lazily on the door, sighing boredly "Hello?"

Dean's eyes bugged behind his shades, leaning against the door frame was a tall dark haired brunette dressed in loose black sweats and a grey v-neck, he seemed to be around Dean's age maybe a little older "Hello?"

The man's deep voice shook him out of his staring, Dean pulled off his sunglasses "Sorry- um, is Sam here?- I'm his brother" Dean really tried not to stare but damn it was hard not to

The man nodded, letting Dean in "They're upstairs" He lead Dean up the long stair case and to Gabriel's room "Gabriel?" He knocked twice but when there was no answer he just opened the door

The room was a mess with candy wrappers and clothes strewn about but the thing that caught both their eyes was the window that was wide open, both boy's nowhere to be found, Dean frowned at the hard sigh and roll of eyes that the other boy gave "Dammit Gabe"

"What?- where are they?"

"I don't know- Gabriel must've left the house"

"Without you knowing?- don't you check on them?" Dean tried not to sound so panicked, "I did!- but I was studying"

Sexy or not Dean seriously was not happy that this guy lost his brother, Dean pulled his phone from his pocket and immediately tried to call Sam but everytime he did he got no answer

"Do you know where they could've gone?" Dean asked and the guy shrugged "A couple places?"

Dean scoffed "Great" He turned around and quickly headed back down the stairs

"Where are you going?"

"To find our brothers!"

"Then I'm going with you!"

Dean sighed as he got to the bottom of the stairs turning back around "Fine" He frowned up at the boy "What's your name?"


"Well if I'm gonna be stuck I'm a car with you chasing our idiot brothers, I think we should at least get each others names" He shrugged "I can't keep calling you blue eyes- well in my head of course"

"Castiel- my name it's Castiel" He offered finally walking down the stairs "Dean" Dean replied and they started to leave the house

"So tell me Cas how do you loose two fourteen year olds?" Dean questioned as he slid into the drivers side

Castiel sighed closing the passenger side door "I'm in medical school- our parents died three years ago so the second I turned eighteen our aunt left me to take care of Gabriel by myself, between him and school it's not easy but I checked on them as much as I could"

"-Wait medical school?- how old are you?"

Cas shrugged casually "Twenty- one"

"Aren't you supposed to start at twenty four?"

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