Hold on (pt2)

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Thank you for this idea mishalovesdestiel


Sam and Gabriel sat in one of the abandoned cars in the apocalypse world "So Sammy we're finally alone" Gabriel smirked and Sam chuckled at that "Yeah we are" He smiled and held Gabriel's hand

"So is the plan still on?" Gabriel asked quietly "Once this whole thing is over we can tell people about us?"

Sam nodded and kissed him softly "Yeah Gabe, the plan is still on" Gabriel smiled happily "Good"


"Where the fuck am I?" Gabriel muttered to himself as his eyes scanned over his surroundings, he was definitely not in Kansas

He was standing in the middle of an empty and open road, he stared at the sign in front of him, he was about 100 miles away from Lebanon apperantly

"Are you fucking -" He huffed annoyedly, he rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers but nothing happened, he did it repeatedly but still nothing happened almost as if he was graceless?

His eyes widened with realisation "Son of a bitch!" He yelled out in the open road, he seriously wanted to kill his father right now

He sighed defeatedly "Welp I better start walking"


Sam sat down at his desk running a hand through his hair and downing his fourth cup of coffee

He couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tried, everytime he shut his eyes the memories of the man he loved flooded his head, taunting him and he couldn't take it, so he ultimately decided that not sleeping was his best option

A light knock sounded at the door and Sam sniffed standing up to get it, he opened the door but no one was there- so he just closed it again but before he could sit down he heard the knock again, he huffed annoyedly and opened it agian, this time there were rose petals leading down the hallway

Sam furrowed his eyebrows in utter confusion as he followed the petals, passed Dean's room and into the main one

He saw someone sitting on a chair in the darkness and instantly went full hunter mode "Who are you!"

The figure began to approach Sam and walk into the light and Sam's mouth instantly went dry and it hung open, he couldn't belive what- who he was seeing "Gabriel?" Sam breathed, it- wasn't possible, they saw him die right?

"Hey Samshine" Gabriel smiled and reached up to stick the rose in his hand into Sam's hair "I'm back"

"H-how?" Sam stuttered before realisation struck his face and his expression went hurt "You faked your death again didn't you?" He whispered-yelled "Why- would you!-"

Gabriel put his hands up in defence "No!-no-no I would never- you know how tiring it is to walk 100 miles?- 'cause it isn't fun, it's torture really-" He shook his head "My father brought me back"

Sam frowned "Chuck?- why?" Gabriel shrugged innocently "I don't know he just said something about how my story isn't over and then that dick opened a rift before disappearing agian- but I guess he did something wrong because-.." He sighed "My grace is gone.."


"I'm..human Sam" He said shamefully "Just please don't think differently of me"

Sam gave a small smile "Why would I do that?" Gabriel swallowed self consciously "You fell for an archangel Sam"

Sam shook his head softly "No, Gabriel I fell for you"

Gabriel smiled for moment before his expression went serious "There's just one more thing"


"I get how hard my death hit you but I don't want you to lose sleep and time over me" He said "If I ever do actually bite it, you have to keep on living your life even if I'm not apart of it, don't think about the what if's, think about the good memories- because we sure had a lot of those" He chuckled "Remember that one time in Dean's car?"

Sam laughed lightly "Okay, I promise no sleep loss or what if's" Gabriel nodded "Good"

"Now, for the love of god-" Sam bent down and pulled Gabriel into a heartfelt and much needed kiss, and Gabriel grinned playfully wrapping his hands around Sam's neck pushing their lips together a bit harder

"I love you" Sam admitted through the kiss, Gabriel blinked and broke away "What?" He panted but Sam didn't falter, the smiled kept on his face "I love you" He repeated happily "I wanted to tell you before one of us dies again"

Gabriel gasped slightly and with the way he looked Sam could tell he was about to say it back "..I love you too"


I have had this drafted for so long, I can't even-

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