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Yes you read correctly- Pornstar Gabriel, I have been working on this since January so I really hope y'all enjoy

Be warned..this is by far the dirtiest thing I have ever written

..I think


Sam exhaled loudly "Okay, I think that's the last one"  He said putting down the last box in his new (admittedly hot)- across the hall neighbors' apartment

Gabriel smiled appreciatively "Thanks so much, I know it's not a lot of stuff but I'm very lazy"

Sam laughed "Really it's no problem" He looked around the empty apartment and at the few boxes that he had helped bring up, "You really don't have a lot of stuff"

Gabriel nodded, "Yeah, I finally decided to move after I got a pay raise"

"Oh what do you do?"

"I do porn" Gabriel said and Sam chuckled awkwardly "What?"

"Porn- I fuck people for money" Gabriel clarified like they were talking about something so normal "Well not really for the money- but.."

"You're a- oh, um.."

Gabriel chuckled "Yeah- I usually get that reaction" He grinned, Sam was stunned "..Uh- don't take this the wrong way but..why do you..-"

"Do porn?" Gabriel shrugged nonchalantly "Well- the pleasure and mind blowing sex is one- but I'm young, I like to experiment and have different experiences- it's not a legitimate career choice but for now it's pretty fun"

He walked over to his shelf and picked out a cd case, "This is my favourite one" He said "Five guys at the same time- most I've ever done, could barley walk straight the next day" Sam gulped when Gabriel handed it to him "Here, as a thank you for helping me out"

"Um- I don't..what?" Sam stuttered awkwardly making Gabriel laugh "It's always the cute ones" He smiled "-Don't be shy, I tend to have that effect on people"

Somehow Sam found himself excepting the 'movie' from his new pornstar neighbour, he kept the cd for days but he never watched it

Why would Gabriel give him that anyway?!- was he fucking with Sam?

He could barley focus on his school work, so he decided to go out for a bit clear his head with his friend Charlie at a diner close to his apartment

"Dude no way you're neighbours with a pornstar?!- a gay pornstar?!" Charlie squealed as they entered the diner "I never said he was gay Charles"

"Okay fine, but is he hot?"

Sam blushed furiously making Charlie gasp "You like him don't you!"

"Would you keep your voice down?!" Sam exclaimed in a hushed whisper "-I doesn't matter if I like him okay?- he literally has sex with people for a living"

Charlie rolled her eyes "So?- you still want to bang him don't you?"

Sam gave an exasperated sigh but before he could speak he saw the diner door open and Gabriel along with two other people came in

He hoped to god Gabriel didn't see him but his neighbour caught his eye and they shared a quick look before Sam turned back to Charlie, She frowned at him "What the hell is wrong with you?- you look like you've seen a ghost"

"He's here.." Sam whispered and Charlie lit up turning in her seat to find see him "Where?"

"Charlie stop-"

Sabriel/Destiel OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now