It's 2020, is homophobia even still a thing?

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Quick Happy Birthday to Jared Padalecki! Love him!



Dean Winchester was a football star- he was popular and obviously captain of the team, he was also bisexual but no one of his close friends and younger brother Sam knew that

Up until recently he was dating Lisa Braeden but they called it quits after Dean couldn't take anymore of her whining and clingyness, he couldn't even talk to another girl without getting yelled at by her

He'd layed off of dating for a while, wanting to focus on school but then Castiel Novak came to Souix Falls high and Dean was captivated

He'd sort of always questioned his sexuality but when he saw Cas he was sure of it, although Cas wasn't exactly who he'd go for..ever

Cas was a little nerdy, he wore nice smart clothes like sweater vests, and his hair was so dark brown you'd think it was black, he had eyes bluer than the ocean and his smile could drop panties but he mostly kept to himself

They weren't acquainted and Dean was too nervous to ask him out- until he needed help with his History homework- he was aiming to go to Stanford and study engineering- so he couldn't afford to fail the class

As it turned out Cas did tutor sessions and Dean took them, over a few weeks they would study and slowly they became friends hanging out almost all the time Dean got to know the shy boy who turned out to be sassy and an avid fan of Harry Potter

They had fun despite their differences in lifestyle, Dean was popular and Cas wasn't but that really didn't matter "Hey Cassie?" Dean asked with a teasing nickname as him and Cas were doing homework one day

"Yes Deanna?"

Dean smiled subconsciously at their banter "Can I ask you a question?" Cas nodded "Sure"

"Are you gay?- or into guys at all?"

Cas was taken back but he managed to get out- "..Yeah I am gay" He felt himself become nervous, Dean mentally screamed 'yes!'

"Okay well then..I know this might sound completely out of the blue but..would you want to go out with me?- on a date?"

There was silence and Cas was blinking repeatedly "..Are you joking?" He asked quietly "Because I have had a crush on you for weeks and if you're joking then fuck you Dean"

Dean shook his head "What?- no- no I'm not joking Cas"

Cas closed his book "But you're straight Dean you have girls hanging around you all the time"

Dean shrugged "Doesn't mean I like any of them- and I'm not straight Cas- I'm bi..I kinda figured it out when I first saw you.. I had a major crush- still do" Dean blushed a little "So.. date?"

Cas nodded "Yeah..uh date"

So they went on a date, mostly away from other people like jerks at their school, they ended up going on more and more dates- Dean didn't even care that he'd get crap from his douche friends whenever he'd ditch them to see Cas

"I still can't believe you're a bottom" Cas sniggered, their first time the night before had been amazing but finding out his masculine boyfriend was a bottom was a bit funny

Dean rolled his eyes "You know I can just fuck my hand instead of having sex with you right?" He said handing Cas his Harry Potter shirt

Cas calmed down his laughter "Fine fine I'll stop" Dean looked at him when he finished tying his laces, standing up "You're still coming to my game right?" He asked reaching for his flannel and shrugging it on as he started to button it up

Cas smiled "Wouldn't miss it for the world" Dean had been extremely excited and nervous about the game all week and Cas didn't know why but he knew it must've been important

"My parents are gonna be there" Dean said sitting down again "They've been gone for a few weeks but they're gonna be there and I'm super nervous"

Cas didn't know much about John and Mary Winchester but he kissed Dean reassuringly "It's okay Dean you're gonna do great"

When game day came Dean's nervousness had died down a little, his parents had showed up and Dean could see where they were sitting

His close and real friends Jo, Charlie, Cas and his brother Gabe and his brother Sam were sitting close to the field

The first half of the game went great but they were a point behind in the second half, Dean zoned out and he kept his head in the game

It was tough but he scored the final point their team needed, everyone was standing up cheering and he couldn't believe it

He found himself running towards his boyfriend and hugging him senseless not even caring about the cameras

"I did it" He said and Cas smiled at him "You did it" Suddenly Dean was kissing him him- in front of everybody

"Dean you just kissed me" Cas stuttered, Dean nodded- not fazed one bit "Uh, huh"

"In front of the whole school"

"Correct again- you know you are on fire today Cas" Dean teased happily "Why-did you do that?- I thought you had a reputation- and your parents"

Dean rolled his eyes "Come on angel-..I'm not gonna hide what we are from people- especially not my dick fake friends- I want them all to know I'm getting it from the hottest guy in school- besides I already told my parents about you"

Cas blushed- did Dean really think that? "..Really?"

"Oh yeah baby- you know in fact-" He didn't get to finish whatever he was going to say before he ran off, "Dean!-"

"Just stay there!"

So Cas did and he saw Dean grab a megaphone, "Testing testing-" He cleared his throat "Hello students of Souix Falls high!"

Cas groaned, what the hell was he doing?

"As all of you may know- my name is Dean Winchester- resident jock slash bad boy, some of you may know me personally- from that awesome goal I just scored- or from my dashing good looks-"

Cas rolled his eyes, and Jo leaned into him "Um what the hell is he doing?" Cas sighed "I have no clue- but it is obviously stupid"

"But you don't know that I have a bangin' boyfriend- yup that's right I got Castiel Novak to be my boyfriend- god I am just the luckiest guy in the world" Dean beamed catching Cas' eyes and winking at him in the crowd of shocked people "And if you all don't like it?- you can- as Gabriel Novak would say- suck my lolipop"

Sam smiled up at his brother "Man I haven't seen Dean smile like that in ages" He looked at Cas "You really are something special to him huh?"

Cas sighed happily "Apperantly" Charlie wacked him on the arm "You and Dean are dating and you'd didn't tell us!"

Gabriel shrugged "I knew" All heads turned to him "You knew?" Gabe shrugged "What?- I have eyes"

"Hey guys" Dean ran back up to them "Mom and Dad want to meet you Cas" He smiled at his boyfriend "Dinner at the Roadhouse?" He kissed Cas' cheek "Yeah"

"Aww so adorable" Sam teased and his brother rolled his eyes "Oh shut up Samshine"

"Hey only I can call him that!" Gabriel exclaimed and Sam shook his head saying nonchalantly " can't"

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