JackxClark pt1

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Jack woke early in the morning, mid dreaming about the boy he had met only a few months ago..Clark

He liked Clark he was nice to Jack but then he got hurt and Jack wasn't able to see Clark agian and thank him, he sighed sadly

He didn't really have any friends his own age except for Claire and Alex, but even then the way he felt about Clark wasn't too friendly

He'd seen a few romance movies, the main characters were always male and female, he knew he like- liked Clark, but he'd never see the boy again

Jack perked up a bit- unless he asked his parents, they'd take him to see Clark!

He got up with a smile after laying his bed, he practically skipped into the kitchen where Dean, Cas and Sam were all having breakfast

"Morning" He said his voice light and happy, "Good morning Jack" Cas greeted him as he poured Dean some more coffee

Jack chewed his lip "I was wondering if I could ask a favour?" He sat down and Sam perked his brow "What is it?"

"..Well when I was first born there was this boy I met- he helped me...I want to ask if I could go see him"

Dean frowned; he remembered that town- the sheriffs son "You want to see Clark?- the sheriff's kid?" Jack nodded confidently "Yes..and preferably bring flowers- I've watched romance movies-they always have flowers"

"Romance?" Dean shook his head trying to wrap it around the situation and understand what Jack was saying "Are you saying you have a crush..on a boy?" He had no problem with Jack liking boys he just didn't think they were his type

"Yes..is there a problem?"

Sam sighed, getting Jack his cereal from the top cupboard "No there isn't Dean just stupid" -Dean flipped him off- "I understand Sam, I know all about the lgbtq+ community and I don't really have a preference but I've only been alive for so long so that could change"

"So you're gay?" Dean asked for clarification, Sam gaped in annoyance at his brother "Dean!- it doesn't matter, aren't you the one that hates labels?"

"Hey!- I've admitted that I'm bi already get off my case"

Cas rolled his eyes at the two "So this boy, when would you like to see him?"

Jack smiled "The weekend would be fine" Dean looked at his boyfriend "Cas we can't..we have that thing remember?" Dean asked trying to avoid having to mention their sexual retreat, Cas blushed "Oh yes that thing"

Sam shivered, sadly he knew all about it; why did he have to overhear these things? "It's fine, I'll take you Jack"


"So this Clark kid?- you really like him don't you?" Sam asked quietly on the drive to see him, Jack nodded clutching the sunflower in his hands "Yes I do, he is quiet nice and I enjoy his company"

Sam smiled; it was nice that Jack had someone, like Cas had Dean and he had..well...he had..no one

Jack noticed that Sam seemed to be in deep thought and the boy couldn't resist taking a peek inside his head, when he did he saw these eyes- like sunshine through whiskey, he saw an archangel- his uncle..Gabriel?

"You know he's not gone- not really..he- he isn't dead"

Sam wiped his eyes "What- what do you mean?"

"Gabriel, he's not dead- I can feel his celestial energy around you" He smiled comfortingly at Sam who was still confused "You loved him right?"

Sam shook his head awkwardly "No- uh..it wasn't like...we were friends" He tried to explain; him and Gabriel were friends- best friends actually more than Dean and Cas knew

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