161. I hope (Adam, Antonio)

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adanne_cunning this one is for you. Song: I hope - Gabby Barrett

You are getting ready for your blind date. A few months ago you would never tought about going out never less with a man you have never seen. You met Antonio on a dating app two months ago and his profile picture was a cat, your was a dog. When you two started talking every day you made a promise not to see each other until one day you will meet in person. That day is today.

You reply to Antonio's text and lock the door dehind you. After typing the adress in your phone you drive slowly towards the building that you see was a police station. You start to get nervous as you remember the previous relationship. He was a student in police academy and he broke your heart in million little pieces.

You brush the tought of him off your mind and think about Antonio makes you smile again. A dark haired man runs down the stairs with a big smile on his face. "Antonio?" His smile grews bigger as he nodds. "I'm Y/N, but I guess you already did your homework police officer." You giggle.

"Actually no, I wanted this to be the first time I see you... And you look beautifull, just like I imagined." Antonio grabbs your hand and plants a kiss on it.

"Casanova not in public." You hear a farmilliar voice call behind you two and your heart drops when you see your ex staring at you. His hand wrapped around someone else's hand. "Y/N?"

"Adam?" You whisper, letting go of Antonio's hand, looking at the new couple in front of you.

Antonio furrows his eyebrows. "You two know eachother?"

"Can I use the bathroom before we go." You force a smile and Antonio nodds, telling you where it is. "I'll be right back."

You lean on the sink and let the water run. A small tear falls from your eye not because you would still love him but because you did love him so hard. Adam slowly opens the door and walks in. "Does she make you smile?" You ask not loking at him. "I hope she does. Just like you made me smile."

"Y/N..." Adam whispers, his eyes closed.

"I hope you think about her when you hear a song and that you fell free when you are together." You wipe the tear away. "I hope that she is the one for you..."

Adam reaches for you with his hand but you push it away. "Please..."

"And I hope she wrecks every dream you ever had and I hope she cheats like you did on me. And I hope she makes you feel the same way I feel about you now." You push the door open and smash it behind you.

"Ready to go?" Antonio smile, reaching his hand that you gladly take.

You giggle. "Sorry about that, I owe you an explanation."

"Not today, today is about us." He whinks, intertwining your fingers.

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