159. Is she gone? (Adam Ruzek)

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You wipe your teary eyes as you hear Adam's footsteps aproaching you. The last thing he needs is see you crying over that stupid thing again. "Hey babe, I'll be home late, don't wait for me." He plants a kiss on your temple and sees the trail of a fresh tear running down your cheek. "What is it this time?" He exhailes.

"Nothing." You brush it off and put the brekfast in the dog bowl like you do for a while now. "I don't even know why I keep bothering anymore." You whisper to yourself more than anything.

Adam is about to ask you something when his phone suddenly rings. "Hey boss, I'll be right there."

Adam is feeling a little bit off in work today. He knows something is happening at home but he just can't figure it out. What is wrong? "Dude! Are you still on our planet?" Kevin laughs when Adam doesn't respond to his questions. "Are you okay?"

Adam chuckles. "Yes man, all good." He stops walking and turns to face his best friend. "No. I don't know it's just Y/N. She is acting so strange, crying all the time... I just don't know anymore." He admits.

"It's simple." Kevin laughs. "Do you love her?"

"I guess?!" Adam thinks for a while.

"Now there is your answer. Sit down, talk to her and figure it out." Kevin pats Adam's shoulder, squeezing it.

When Adam arives home, the house doesn't feel right. All the lights are turn off as well as the TV. "Babe?" He calls out and when no one replyes he starts running from kitchen to their empty bedroom. Adam calls his girlfriends phone but to his surprise it starts vibrating on the kitchen counter.

"Hey Kev, Y/N is gone and her phone is in the kitchen." Adam calls hid best friend, pannicking. "I think she has been kidnapped."

Kevin starts laughing like a mad man. "Dude I just saw her dancing on the table downtown in that new club."

Adam stays silent while running towards his car.

"Don't worry I am looking after her." He hangs up and a few minutes when Adam arrives he hands him Y/N's purse. "Don't be to harsh on her."

"Babeeee." Y/N runs and jumps in Adam's lap. "You found me, I tought you don't want me anymore." She hid her face in the crock of his neck. "You  never want to hang out and you always have to leave."

Adam knew everything now, it all made sense. "Oh babe... You have no idea how much you mean to me but the extra work is been so stressful..."

"Show me how much I mean to you." Y/N whispers in his ear.

"Everythong will be diferent from now on." Adam plants a deep kiss on her lips. "Let's go home then."

"No, the bathroom." Y/N points with a spark in her eyes that Adam can't say no to.

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