48. What did you just say?! (Sean Roman, Hank Voight)

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AlexandraDraghia this one is for you. Sorry it took me so long.

"Can you not drive like.. a woman?!" Sean screamed again for the fiveteenth time today.

You rolled your eyes in annoyance. Your new partner has been driving you crazy for past four days. "Just shut up." You whispered but he heard you.

You parked the police car in the parking lot and wait for both of you to stood up until you lock it down, throwing the bag on your shoulder.

Sean walked next to you, still not over with you. "You didn't even park right. Left front wheel is over the white line." He nudged you under your ribs.

You exhaled and closed your eyes. It was only ten minutes till the end of the shift and you won't have to see him for two days.

You handed the police car keys to Platt and sign some papers. "Do you really need to do everything by yourself?" Sean pushed me slightly to the side. "You are just like your mother, pushy. The bitch needed to have all under control. Thank god she died before they put me in the car with her again." He chuckled.

"What did you just say you fucking prick?" You push him so he stumbles back and hits the wall with his back. "Don't you ever talk about my dead mom, ever again. Do you understand?" You punched his nose, blood started pouring down almost imediatley.

All the station was watching you two in silence, only whispering to their partners until Hank made an apparance. "What the hell is going on in here?" He lookes at you and
Sean. "Y/N my office now!"

You jumped at the stern voice coming from him. You know Hank well, you have been dating in secret for a while now but you both agreed on staying proffeaional in work. Nonetheless his police voice frighten you.

He opened the door and waited for you to walk in then he slammed them shut with a loud bang. "Before you say anything Sarg. he was..."

Hank silences you with a tight hug. "Are you okay what happened?" He was checking for any bruises on your face and body.

"I'm sorry Hank, it's Roman. He's been pissing me of for a while now, trying to make me explode and I swear I kept it together until he mentioned my mom." You looked at your feet embarased.

Hank raized your face and planted a soft kiss on your lips  "I'm sorry, you should have said something. Listen..." he walked towards the door. "We need to play the part or else you can get in trouble for punching that prick."

You nodded and smiled at him. "Thanks."

Hank put his angry face on and so did you. "Make sure this doesen't happen again in my district!" Hank acted as he held the door opened for you.

You saw Sean smilling with the corner of your eyes and you smiled back at him, knowing exactly what your boyfriend has in store for him. "Roman my office!" Hank called with annoyance. You were glad that after today Sean won't be your problem any more. 

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