86. So this is over? (Hank Voight)

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Its been a week since Al died and ever since Hank is acting distant from you. Right now we are having a drink at Moly's to cheer on Al and all of the good work he has done for the city of Chicago.

With the corner of your eye you see Hank standing up and throwing the bartender some cash. He gulped down the remain liquid and put his jacket on.

You tought he was gona come to you and take you home with him but your heart broke when he walked right past you like you two waren't dating for the past year.

Like you two were nothing.

When Hank disapeared through the doors you quickly stood up and walked after him. "Hank?"

The rain was falling down his face while he was standing next to his car. He was holding a watch Al has given to him a month before he died and just stared at her. Speachless.

"I know it hurts, but...' I tryed to calm him down but he turned towards me and I saw anger in his eyes.

He chuckled. "You know nothing. If I juat didn't listen to you that day, he would still be alive."

"So his dead is now my fault?" I took a step back.

Hank stood there not saying anything for a few seconds. "What I'm saying is... we should take a break." He lookednatthe ground.

"So you're leaving me Hank?" You got yeats in your eyes but they were washed off because of the rain drops. He was silent again and tears now fell rast down my cheeks. "Then go. Het in your car and leave."

Hank turned around and sat in his car without second tought. He pressed his leg on the gas and stormed away. You stood there looking what you think was the love of your life driving away when you needed each other the most.

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