46. Never got over you (Jay Halstead)

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I was insipred after listening to this song.


It was just a normal day at work when you and the team had nothing to do.

Adam was playing with his robot, Kevin was crafting little things out of his metal wires and you were laying on the sofa looking up at the sealing.

You tought about the old times when Jay was still a part of your team and a smile appeared on your face.

You two used to kick bad peoples asses and count who knock out more of them. You used to win but you knew he let you.

He would always tease you about your love to romantic movies but in reallity he loved every moment of watching it with you.

You tought you were going to last forever until suddely one day he appeared at the unit in his millitary suit and a bag full of his clothes.

He was going after a man who he tought he already killed and you would be fine with that if only he have told you sooner.

Tears started to fall down your cheeks at the tought of his betraial when Voight suddenly russhed into the room. "Get up we have work to do."

Everybody was fast on ther feet but Voight stoped them. "Not you guys, just Y/N."

You furrowed your eyebrows and folllwed your boss into another room. "What is the assignment?"

Hank tured to you with a smile. "You have to pick a wery important person at the airport in one hour. Don't be late. And be polite." He yelled after you.

You had a tons of questions but you didn't bother asking, he wouldn't tell you anyways.

You parked your SUV right after the plane landed. It took some time for the door to open and that's when you saw him. "Jay." You whispered.

Anger suddenly filled your body and all you wanted to do was drive away. But he smiled when he saw you and the memories of good days came rushing back.

"Hey." He greeted and wanted to hug you but you stepped back.

"You can put the bags on the back seat the trunk is full." You simpli said and sat in the car leaving Jay standing outside.

After a short time driving Jay started to talk but you stayed quiet.

You two arrived at the station and you left him in the garage. You rushed to see Hank so you can tell him a piece of your mind. How dare he send you to pick Jay up after he left with no explenation, no heads up. After he saw you cry every day for almost a year.

The elevator door almost closed when Jay stopped it. You roll your eyes.

He tryed to apologize for the millionth time but you just couldn't bare to look at him. You would brake and tell him you love him still.

The elevator came to a halt all of a sudden. You catch yourself by holding on to a rail. "What the fuck."

Jay tryed to fix the elevator but he couldn't. You picked up your phone and dial your boss. "Hey, we arrived but we are stuck in the elevator."

"Oh.. the power went out and the generators are dead. Hold tight we are working on it." She explained.

You exhaled and put the phone down. "Hurry the fuck up I am suffocating."

Jay snorted. "Sorry I make you suffocate. Sorry that I survived and came back. But I 'm not sorry that I missed you that I still love you."

You laughed. "Clostrophobia remember?"

Jay nervously laughed. "Right."

After a minute of silence you ask. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"

He went with his hand trough his hair. "If you would have known I wouldn't leave. I would see you crying and it would kill me. Even more that it did now. But you understand I had to catch him?"

You looked at him with simpathy in your eyes. "Of course I understand. But I was pissed. It felt like I don't matter."

He came closer and put his hand on my cheek. "I'm sorry. Or we still dating?"

I gave him the big eye look. "How about we start at the begining."

He agreed. "Hello I'm Jay."


After a while the elevtor door opened. Hank and the rest of the team was waiting to say hello to Jay.

When the door opened their mouth dropped. Adam coughed.

You and Jay who were in the middle of a make up seasion looked at them emarased. "Hey guys." Jay greeted.

The team laughed. "I tought you were staring at the begeaning?"

You and Jay looked at each other.

"You didn't cancel the call so we hear the whole thing." Kevin explained. Come on lets go to the breafing room.

You face palmed yourself for being so stupid. "Hey Jay."

He turned around.

"I never got over you." You admit and peck his lips leaving him behind grinning.

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