49. My dad's friend (Hank Voight)

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"Lili, our quest is here!" Josh calls out to his daughter who is getting ready in her room.

Lili walks down the stairs, already hearing the two friends laugh. Her long legs carrie her down fast. She smiles to her dad's friend from work and offers him a hand to shake. "Lili, nice to meet you." She was mesmarized by his rough presence and firm handshake.

"Hank, the pleasure is all mine." He gives her a small nod, looking her up and down. "You never told me you have such a nice doughter Josh."

She blushes slightly and sits down at the table, trying to hide it. Lili always liked older man's but he has to be a lot older than her. "Doesen't hurt to look." She whisper.

Hank has been glancing in her direction all through the dinner and Lili loved it. Too bad he had to leave so fast but the night didn't end for her. She was going out with her friend Nina and since they are both newly single god only knows how this night was about to end.

Nina already found someone and they were gone leaving Lili alone in the middle of the dance floor. She was waisted and already hot because of Hank. She swayed her hips from left to right with her eyes closed, it was her favourite song.

All of a sudden a pair of strong hands wrapped around her body. She didn't look because she didn't care who it was. She pressed her body closer to him, her bubble but touching his semi hard on.

His hands roamed from her hips to the skin on her tummy. Lili had enough and she turned around only to find out it was Hank behind her all this time.

His eyes were dark with lust his lips pressed together forming a line. "I never imagined you were such a naughty little girl." He whispered in her ear, cousing goosebumps to apear all over her body.

She wanted him, she needed to feel him on top of her. She didn't care about any damn thing in the world. "Why don't you come with me and I'll show you how bad I can be.

Hank pushed the hotel door open with one hand, holding Lili with his other. They didn't break the kiss since the elevator door closed. He pushed her to the wall, deepening the kiss.

His hands pulled the black skirt off of her, tank top next. Lili didn't waist time as she pulled on his shirt until it opened, some od buttons hitting the ground.

She licked her lips. For a man his age he was damn sexy. "Like what you see baby doll?" Hank whispered in her ear and she felt extreme need for him, now. The way be called her, baby doll only made her want him more.

"Fuck me already." She begged and not long after Hank was thrusting in her with long thrusts laying on bed. Lili was a moaning mess. She slept with some guys in her short life but this was an out of this world experiance.

She felt her wals tightening, pulsing. "Come for me baby." Hank spoke and her sexy raspy voice was all she needed. Her body started to shake and she hugged him closer, coming all over his dick.

"Fuck Lili, you're so tight." He moaned, close to his own climax. "I'm gonna..."

"It's okay. I'm on a pill." She kissed him one more time while he released himself amd colapsed on her. They stayed like this a few more minutes, still kissing.

Hank rolled off her and pullex her closer, her head on his shoulder. "That was..."

"Amazing." She laughed. "We need to do it again." She kisses him again. She felt like she could never get used to his kisses.

"Mhmm, and again and again." He smirked as she climbed on top of him ready for more.

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