119. Stockholm sindrom pt. 1 (Hank Voight)

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Reguested by Anonymus.
Warning: Stockholm sindrome!

She was sixteen, he was thirty nine.
He wanted her, she didn't knew he exsisted.
But he will get her one way or the other.

Hana woke up, her head aching from pain. Memories from last night came running back in her tought and she strted panicking. She got up from the matress on the floor and was blasted back down, her bum hitting the hard surface. She was handcuffed.

"I see you woke up, darling." Hank kneeled down next to her. "Rest now, we dont want you to get hurt."

Hana was surprised she didnt saw him before and all though he looked teriffying she promised to herself she wouldnt be afraid of him. "Where am I?'

"This is just for the night." He explained. "In the morning we will drive to our new home." He was about to play with her hair but she hit his hand with all force she possesed. "Fisty. I love to learn new things about you every day." He chuckled and got up, locking the door behind him just in case.

Hana started criyng. "Let me go, I wanna go home!"

Two weeks later Hana and Hank were already living in their new house. She wouldnt see him much only when he brought her food and drinks and to her surprise he never spoke to her. She wanted to escape but their house was located in the middle of miles long forrest, that gave home to wild animals.

But everything changed one day. Hank brought her dinner but when she saw his face her heart cringed. "What happened?" She observed the cuts and bruises on his face.

Hank lookes at her straight in her eyes and smirked. "Dont tell me you are worried for me." He kneeled down next to her, his lips inches from hers.

Hana breathed heawy and pushed him away. "Stop!" She gupled down the air that got stuck in her throath. "What are you gonna do with me?" She played with the hem of her tee. "Are you gonna let me go?"

Hank chuckled. "Never."

Seasons passed by fast. Hana had no windows but she knew the winter was close because of the cold in her room. "Hank!" She called and banged with the metal around her wrist on the wooden floor. "Haaaank!" She sang like an opera singer because she knew how much it pisses him off.

Hank bursted in, wearing warm pullover "What, is the water on fire." He furrowed his eyebrows. He observed Hana's blue lips. Something was wrong, she looks sick. "Are you okay dear?" He kneeled down next to her and checked her head for temperature.

"I'm cold." The fragile girl whispered and for everyones surprise, she curled close to his warm body. "I cant feel my fingers."

Hank closed his eyes and pulled her closer. He unchained her wrists and took her straight to where fire was. "Here, you should be better any time now." He kissed her head and stood up to cover her with an extra blanket.

"Hank?!" Hana yawned, half asleep. "Will I ever see my home town again?"

Hank closed his eyes as a tear slipped down his cheeks. All he wanted was a company because he didn't want to be alone. But he finnaly sees it now. "Tomorow." He whispered. It will be the hardest thing to do but Hana neds to leave... For her own sake.

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