32. You waren't there (Antonio Dawson, Hank Voight)

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"I can't even listen to you anymore." Antonio screamed in my face. "Just get the fuck out."

We have fought a lot these days but it was never like this. He never said those hurthfull things. I couldn't speak, as tears started to fall down my cheeks.

I grab my jacket and slamed the front door on my way out. I was walking, not really knowimg where I am going.

I saw two figures folllwing me in to the park. I started to walk faster and faster and stil I couldn't get away from them. At one point they startet running after me and one of them smacked me on my head with a rock.

The next I know, I woke up in a dark room. One light was shinning right above me and I could feel a throbing pain at the side of my head. I wanted to touch it but I realized I was handcufed to a metal pipe with both of my hands and one leg. I panicked and started breathing heavy.

"Well, well. Look who decited to wake up finnaly." I heard his voice but not his face. Until he stopped closer to me.

My eyes widened. "Pulpo. I tought you were killed. How the hell did you pull that one off?" I was fuming with anger.

He kneeled down so that he was facing me. "Not important. What is important is that Antonio will pay for what he did to my wife and son. And if I can't hurr him directly I will hurt him through you princess." He laughed wickedly.

"Nice try, he hates me." I smirk.

Pulpo got mad and shoot me in my leg. "Shut up." I whince in pain and tell him to fuck off so he smacks my lip with the gun, bursting it.

It felt like I was locked in here forever. When suddely I heard police sirens. Pulpo puled me up on my feet and presed a knife to my throath.

I saw Jay, Kim and Adam standing on each side with their guns pointed towards us, at Puplo's head. Hank camed closer and when Pulpo trethen to cut me he threw his gun on the floor and undress his vest. "I just wanna talk. Can you put the knife away?"

Hank looked directly in my eyes. "You okay." He questioned, and I could see he is worried, in his eyes.

I nodded yes and he gave me a weak smile. "Where is Antonio?" Pulpo asked right about when I was.

"He didn't came." Hank replyed and I tough he was joking but the look he gave me told me it was the truth. "We couldn't reach him, I'm sorry." He spoke to me more than to Pulpo.

Hank gave me a nod and I slamed my head back into Pulpo's, making him take a step back. Jay shot a single bulett straight to his head. I ran into Hank's arms and Pulpo's body fell down on the floor.

Hank held me close to his body and I felt save for tje firat time in a long time. "Thank god you're okay." He said while stroking my hair.

"How did you know I was kidnaped?" I snifed into his hard chests that felt like home right now.

Hank pulled away. "One of my CI saw Pulpo drag you in here and he called me right away." He chuckled. "I knew I had to keep my eye on you when I found out Pulpo is still alive." He explained.

All of a sudden I heard Antonio's voice. He was walking casualy inside the warehouse. "Baby I was so worried about you. Come here."

He wanted to hug me but I took a step back. "No." A tear ran down my cheek. "Me being kidnaped doesen't change the way you wanted me gone in the morning."

"But I didn't mean it." He protested with his hands in his pocket.

My heart was acking but this needed to be done. "Goodbye Antonio." I walked out of the warehouse and asked Kim if I could stay with her tonight.

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