12. You snitched me out? (Antonio Dawson)

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You were pacing up and down the room, going crazy because the man who killed and rapped you best friend just escaped jail.

Voight alowed you to stay on a case. He know how it feels when someone you love gets killed, his own soon got killed not even a year ago.

You were driving trough the streets of Chicago, looking for the maniak Evans. "Where the hell is he?" You groan in frustration.

Your long time friend Anonio gave you a simphatizing look, telling you it will be alright.

There was a tip on the radio, saying that someone that fits the description was spotted in the park. Voight called whole unit to meet there.

"Adam you and Kevin go left, Kim you are with Jay and Y/N you ride with me." Boss ordered.

Not long after we were in persuit. Me and voight ran after him in a dark alley. He ran to a wall and turned aroud.

I run to him and atarted punching him in the face, his stomach until he was all blody. You grabbed your gun amd cllsed your eyes. Bam!!!

The rest of the team came, seing the body.

Back at the office you saw Antonio talking to Voight. He nodded and invited Antonio in his office. After some jelling he came out and gave you a look you couldn't read.

Voight call you in next.

"Your boy Atonio just wanted to rat you out for killing Evans." He explained with arms crossed.

You looked down and exhaled. "You saw that... so what now?"

He nodded. "I told him I'll handle it and that snittching on the team isn't what we do."

I thanked him and exsited the room. He gets it, he killed the man who murdered his son.

Antonio came after me to break room. "What the hell was that, I tought we are friends."

Antonio stepped closer. "I had no choice, what you did.."

I laughed. "You had no choice. Lets just think two yers ago when Diego was abducted by Pulpo and you went out of police line. I was there to have your back, always."

He stayed silent. He wanted to grab my arm but I pushed him away. "You are not my friend."

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