154. I can't (Jay Halstead)

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Baddie19 this next one is for you.

"Hey babe." Jay greeted when he finnaly came home from work. "How was your day?"

You rolled your eyes in secret, hidding the tears. You faked a smile and kissed his cheek. "Fine and yours?"

"It was okay." Jay walked to the kitchen and sat down. "Honny where is the dinner?"

"There is no dinner." You bluntly answered ready to fall apart.

Jay came back to the living room, not in a good mood. "How, you were home all day?" He started pacing up amd down, going through his hair with his fingers. "I had a shitty day and I just want a beer and a dinner is that so hard to ask for?" He slammed his fist in the familly picture, breaking it.

You ran in the baby's room, locking it down and slided down the wall, hugging your knees tightly to your chest. "No more, no more...  I can't take this anymore." You repeated for a while until your baby started crying.

The next morning you woke up from lying on the nursery floor. You feed and cleaned the baby, preparing him for the next round of nap. You were sure you had the house all to yourself so you walked downstairs to the kitchen where Jay was leaning on the counter. He greeted you but you just puffed walking past him.

Jay grabbed your arm, and pulled you closer. "What the hell is wrong with you? We just had a baby, got married and you act like... Like a fucking crazy person."

A tear escaped your eye as you gulped down the lump forming in your throat but you managed to stay silent somehow.

"Do you even know how I feel working all day and then argue with you all night. It's fucking exhousting." He rubbed his eyes, red from staying up all night.

You puffed and walked straight towards him, pointing your finger in his face. "The bigger question is do you know how I feel? I take care of our baby all day and all night and don't get me wrong I love him but it is fucking exhoustin being alone in my stinky tshirt all day. I can't even remember when was the last time I had a propper meal, a relaxing bath... Is that so much to ask for or understand at least?!" You cried out finnaly expressing your emotions.

Jay hugged you tightly, he instantly regreted the things he said. "Babe..."

"I'm alone and depressed Jay, and the worst thing is you don't even notice." You tryed to pull away but his hand held you in place.

Jay kisses the top of your head. "Why don't you pour some hot water in that bath tube and wait for me." He smirked. "I will join you after my mom picks up Trevor." Jay placed a sweet kiss on your lips and prommised you eveeything will turn to better after today.

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