94. Darkness (Hank Voight)

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Zorexndra this one is for you sorry again for the long wait. ❤💙
*I do not want to offend anyone with this imagine by putting reader in depressed state. I know how serious this is so if you don't want to read about self harm or toughts of suicide please skip it. Thanks.

It was a rough few weeks for Y/N. Everything in her life changed and she doesen't see a point in her life anymore. "Ugh... I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up." She said and chuckled likenshe was joking.

"You are way to young to say that kiddo." All patted her back when he walked past her. "When you'll be my age and every fricking bone will hurt you..."

Y/N shook with her head, a fake smile on her lips. "It can't be that bad, you got your wife back plus and extra daughter."

"You are saying that like you arent living well." He took some papers and left.

"Yeah right." She whispered more to herself.

Two hours later the team was coming back from the tripple homicide case. It was too much for Y/N so she actednout on the vending machine while waiting for the chocolate bar. "Kill me now please or I will do it myself."

"It's just chocolate." Antonio giggled and walked towards her. "I know we had a tough case, wouldn't you go home to your familly and rest?" He suggested.

Y/N lookednat him, saying absolutly nothin. She kickedn the vending machine one more time and picked up snickers. "What ever." She whisperednto herself again.

She didn't know Hank was watching her carefully for a past few day. It just felt to him that something was off with her. She seemed so aditated and agresive. And she tryed to hide it all.

He went to his office and dialed her home phone number. Her grandma answered and what she told him left him speachless. He quickly sad goodbye and wentnto look for Y/N.

She was no where to be found, the only place he didn't check was girls restroom. He heard light sniffles from behind the doors so he pushed on it lightly till it opened.

Hank quickly jumped towards Y/N, who held a mirror glassnin her hand, ready to cut herself. The hand she was holding the glass with was bleeding like crazy and to Hank it seemed like she doesen't even know what she is doing. "Y/N!" He called for her and she looked at him, imadiatly dropping the glass she was holding.

"Boss..." She got up and washed her hand. Thinkfuly the cut was not deep. "I'm sorry sir." Y/N ranned away from him, trying to awoid the painfull truth.

Hank walked in the main room where the desk were and he was shocked when he saw her there sitting behind her desk like nothing is wrong. "Y/N, my office now!" After she walked in he closedmthe door and blindfolds to create privacy. "Y/N are you feeling okay?" He sat down next to her on the sofa but kept his distance.

"Yeah the cut stings a bit but I'll be fine tomorrow." She smiled trying to awoid eye contact.

Hank made her look at him. "That's not what I'm talking about. I called your house a while ago to aks what the hell is going on with you. And I found out you grandpa died three weeks ago. Y/N why didn't you say something?"

She gave him angy glares. "I'm fine."

"I can see that. Kicking the vending macine, making suacide wishes and harming herself." Hank put his hand on top of hers. "I know how you feel I lost my only son."

Y/N started crying like there was a plug in her eyes and someone took it out and released the trars. "He was a father to me Hank." She cryed while trying to explain how she feels. "And the house feels so empty without him. I just can't take it anymore." She admited all to him.

"I can't make the pain go away but I can promise you we are all here for you Y/N." He pulled her in a hug. "Let me take you home, you need to rest and later we can go visit his grave."

"I would love that." She smiled. "Hank, thank you for everithing. I really needed this."

"Anytime Y/N." Hank opened the door and send his team in streets. What Y/N needs right now is rest and not a.million questions from everyone and he knew that very well.

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