37. The one... (Jay Halstead, Hailey Upton)

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This imagine was reguest by tvshowgirl4 so I dedicate it to her. ❤💙 season 6 has not been on tv in our country so I haven watched it yet and let me tell you I fall in love with Jay and Hailye's relationshil when watching yt videos. #UPSTEAD 😍

"No metter where you run, I'll be the one who follows you down."

I love this yt video so go and check it up. (Captain Bucky has a lot of good videos.)
* https://youtu.be/7_YaVEoEnLo


"I just heard about your dad. I'm so sorry." Hailey put her hand on Jay's shoulder. "If there's anything I can do..."

Her partner Jay smiled at her. If anyone else would have said those words to him he would flip out, but since it was her... "Just don't. We had a bad relationship." He scofs. "Did you know he didn't want me to become a cop. He didn't even came to my graduation."

Hailey pushed her lips together and nodded in understandment. "Okay. I just wanted you to know you don't have to go through it alone."

The relationship between Hailey and Jay has been very strong since he had to break up with Camilla, the girl he fell in love with when he was undercover.

She remembered the talk they had. "What the hell are you doing?"

He looked at her. "What do you mean, I'm fine." He started to walk away from her because he knew she could see right through him.

"You're not okay. You have to talk to someone, and if you don't want to talk to me then find professional help." She pushed him. Hailey has been there for him when no one else was.

A few days after the funeral they caught up on a dangerous case and the main suspect started stalking Hailey. Till one day when she didn't came to work.

"I want all available units out there on the streets. One of ours is missing and we need to find her." Voight comanded. "We're going to find her." He patted Jay on his shoulder.

They finally got the tip. "The guy is holding her hostage at the old hotel downtown." They rushed to the hotel only to find Hailey in the pool of blood handcuffed to the metal stick. Her face was bruised and her eye was black.

Jay was the one who rushed to her first and set her free. He looked at her bruised body his heart aching. "Hailey wake up!" He called for her but she didn't move. Adam called ambo which rushed her to the hospital.

When Hailey woke up, Jay was the first person she saw. He was sleeping on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket. He woke up when he heard her laughing.

"Hailey, you're awake. How are you feeling?" He jumped out of the sofa and sat down on a bed next to her.

She put her hand on top of his large one, and he wrapled it around his small one. "I feel like I've been beat up, hard." She chuckled.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Sorry that was a stupid question." He stayed with her until she got cleared. She knew about her feelings but she disn't want to admit them to him or herself.

After she came back to work she was a diferent girl. Something was bothering her and they all knew it. "I'm worried about Hailey." Hank whispered to Jay. "You should talk to her, you know her best."

"I'm worried to." He admited for the first time out loud. Jay confronted her in the break room. "So what's been going on, I can tell something isn't right."

Hailey's fave was still bruzed and her lip bursted. "I can handle this."

"That's exactly what I said to you remember." Jay tought about the time she was the only one who saw him soufer. "And you called me out, telling me it's full of trash."

Their conversation was interupted when Kim anounced there was shooting in the parking garage of the mall.

When they arrived at the scene bullets were flying everywhere. They caught almost all off the shooters only one escaped. While they were looking for him he crossed paths with Jay and shot him in the abdomen. The offender then run away and was captured by Kevin.

Hailey saw how he fell to the ground and her heart skipped a bit thinking he was dead. She kneeled down next to him. "Jay wake up, please wake up." She cried.

Jay sudenly opened his eyes and grabbed his stomach with his two hands. He unbottoned his jacket, reveling bulletproof vest. "I wore this don't worry, but it hurts like a bitch."

Hailey stared crying but now there were happy tears. "I never told you I like you and when I saw you laying there... I tought I will never be abble to." She breathed heawy. "Jay I..."

"I love you too." He smiled up at her cousing her lips to form a smile as well.

"Man you owe me 20 bucks. Told you they have a thing for each other." Kevin walked casualy past them towards Antonio.

"You guys made a bet?" Jay laughed. "Idiots."

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