85. Just a prank dude (Jay Halstead, Kevin Altwater)

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futuremsmars this one is for you.

"Hurry up Jay." I giggled as I strugled to get out of my bed. "My brother will be here any time."

Jay exhaled and pulled me in for a kiss. "Ugh, out of all people you have to be my co-workers sister."

I wiggled my shoulders and threw pants in his arms. I heard a door beal ring. "Hurry up, Kevin will kill youif he sees you here, naked." I fixed my hair. "Leave through the window. Love you." I muttered to Jay and ran towards my front door to welcome my brother.

I arrived to the district right from Y/N. She wasnacting strangr, like she was hidding something and then is when I saw Jay sneaking out of her house. I needed to talk to someone so I went straight to Kim and tell her all about it.

"Oh my gosh." She widened her eyes. "Never in a million years would I tought Y/N would date Jay." Kim giggled. "You should totaly make a prank on them."

Later that day when Jay arrived at work, I started my prank plan. I would look at him non stop and furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Kevin, is everything okay?" Jay sat on  my desk. "You seem... strange."

"Get the hell of." I tryed to make serious face. "What the hell were you doing at Y/N's today?"

Jay was fast on his feet. "Kevin, look I was..."

"You were what?" I stood up and mytall figure was hoovering over his. "Fucking her?"

Jay stood his grounds. "No no it's not like that " Jay tried to explain. He was pale in his face from fear and that's when I looked at Kim and we both bursted out laughing. "What the hell?"

"It's okay man. I see the way she looks at you." I pulled him in to a tight hug. "There is no one else I would rather see with my sister. But if you hurt her I will hurt you back."

"He is serious this time." Kim joined us in to a hug. "So when is the wedding hapoening?" Kim joked.

"Burges!" I warned. "Don't put toughts in his head.

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