31. Play day (Hank Voight)

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You were working on a case when suddenly your phone rang, signaling it was Justin. You picked up and listed to what he has to say.

"Hey, so I was thinking if you and dad could watch Daniel for a night? It's Olive's and I third anniversary." He was talking so fast you barelly understood him.

You smiled at the tought of spending the whole day playing with Daniel. "We would love to just tell me when."

He chuckled. "Like right now? I'm already late I kinda forgot to prepare her surprize."

You giggled, he is his father's son. "Yes sure. I'll be right there."

You put your phone down and walked to Hank's office to inform him of the situation. He agreed to stay at work for a little longer and you rushed to Justin's place to pick up Daniel.

You two had a great bond and you were happy to spend some alone time with him. After you two bought the groceries and went for an ice cream it was time to head home where Hank was already waiting.

Daniel was happy to see him and he jumped in his arms. "C'mon buddy let's go play untill dinner is ready." Daniel grabbed Hank's large hand in his small one and they walked towards the living room.

You heard giggles all the way to the kitchen so you peeked what was going on. Hank had his grandson on his lap, reading him a story. He would tickle him every now and then and Daniel would burst out laughing cousing Hank to laugh as well. That was a side of him he doesen't show much.

Hank saw you watching at them and he gave you a wink that made you blush. After five years together he can still manage to do that. "Helo my two favorite boys, the dinner is almost ready." You anounced and Daniel runned to the kit hen with his little feet.

After dinner you cleaned the table and Hank came behind you, giving you a kiss. Daniel made "ewww" noise that coused you both to laugh. "He's so cute."

"Just like me." Hank picked him up and put his head next to Daniel's. "See like twins."

You rolled your eyes and grabbed a bottle and Daniel's favourite blanket. "C'mon lets get you to bed little man."

Hank handed you Daniel. "Why don't I stay here and pour us some red vine."

"Sounds like a plan." I kissed his cheek. I carried Daniel to our room.


Hank waited for his girlfriend for about half an hour and then the police side kicked in and he got worried. He slowly walked up the stairs to their bedroom when he saw Daniel wrapped in Y/N's arms, holding him close to her.

Daniel was playing with her hair and when he saw Hank he put his little finger on his lips. "Shhhh..." he said.

Hank smiled and kissed Daniel's cheek. He layed down next ro them, happy to have them.

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