34. Dude, she's mine (Jay Halstead, Antonio Dawson )

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This chapter was requested and is dedicated to lovely tvshowgirl4. Thank you for all your reads and likes. I hope you like it as much as I do. ❤💙

It's Emma's first day at her new job as a detective in intelligence unit. She was thrilled when Hank Voight asked specifically for her, because she looked up to him so much.

When she arrived everyone was already waiting for her. She shook hands with them and introduced herself. "Kim why don't you show Emma around." Boss ordered and told the others to find something to do.

"Ay mamita, this Emma girl..." Antonio whispered to Adam. "She is a perfect ten."

Adam chuckled. "You're divorced now why don't you ask her out?"

Antonio pressed his lips together and tought for a while. He might be a bit older than her but had a latino sexapil and a nice toned body. "I just might." He smiled at his coworker and sat behind his desk.

After the shift ended the crew was ready to go for a drink. "Hey Emma, come with us to Molly's for a beer." Kim invited her.

They have bonded the most because they were partnered up for the day. "I don't know, I am tired from moving and everything." Emma tried to wiggle her way out but Kim wasn't haveing it.

"C'mon one beer. Plus everyone is going. Me, boss, Kevin, Adam, Jay and Antonio. You can't be missing, it's like an unwritten rule." She tryed to convince her and Emma finnaly agreed.

A few beers later Emma and Kim were talking at the bar when sudenly Antonio leaned on the counter next to them. "Halo ladies, what are you drinking?"

"Whatever you are buying." Emma laughed a bit tipsy from all the beer.

Kim picked up her purse. "Enough for me I need to head home." She walked towards Adam and sat on his lap.

Bartender brought two shots, one for Antonio amd one for Emma. She gulped down the strong liquid, closing her eyes in the proces. "Gosh that was strong." She chuckled.

Antonio watched her tanned legs and wanted to rip that tight red dress off of her. He was undressing her with his eyes, already imagineing his lips on hers. "So listen... I was thinking if..."

His speach was interupted by Emma's phone. She pressed the green button and took the phone to her ear. "Your house, five minutes." Emma bite her lip at hearing his voice.

She quickly said goodbye to Antonio, promissing him a beer in return the next time and walk as fast as possible out of the bar and towards her apartment.

As soon as she stepped through the front door, she felt soft lips on her neck. "Jay... baby just let me come in." She giggled.

"What the hell happened with Antonio. He was undresing you with his eyes, I barely resist myself from punching him." Emma's boyfriend twirled straign of her hair in between his fingers. "He need's to know you belong to me." He whispered in her hear.

All of a sudden a door bell rang. Emma went to open it and Jay was still hugging her from behind. "What the fuck?!" Antonio almost screamed at the two of them hugging.

"Hello partner, what are you doing at our house?" Jay smkrked at now more and more confuzed Antonio.

"Your house?" Antonio furrowed his dark eyebrows.

"Dude, she is mine. She's been mine for five months." Jay kissed Emma's cheek.

Antonio raized his hands in defence. "Wow dude, I'm sorry but I had no idea." He turned around and left.

"I'm sorry, we should have told you guys." She screamed after him but he only said "ehhh..." and threw his hands in the air.

Jay sucked on Emma's neck, making a dark circle. "That's for everyone to know you are mine and mine only."

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