♥️💙200k special 💙♥️

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You guys are crazy and I love you all sooo sooo much. I'm so thankful you are reading my stories and giving me feedback. 🥰 Because I don't write enough stories with sexy content here are some super short ones.

"Hello my name is Hank Voight and I'll be your teacher from now on." My head raized as fast as I heard a rusky man's voice. He looked older than our previous teacher but cuter and sexyer. I licked my lips thinking about him kissing me all over my neck until he would finnaly take me. "Miss Y/L/N? Is everythibk okay?" I nodded, embarased. His smirk tels me he knows what I've been thinking about.

A week later I had to stay in detention because of my big mouth. I tought it would suck but when I saw Hank sitting behind the desk my day just git better. "Two more hours of daydreaming." I tought to myself and sat down in the first row.

Ten minutes later Hank raized his head up. "So no one is joining us?!" He walked towards my desk and sat down on the edge. My breathing got faster as his parfume hit my nose. "Stand up." He ordered and I did as he said ni questions asked. He sat down on my chair and pulled me on top of him. I gasped when his hard on poked me, only his tight pants in between us.

"Mr. Voight..." Moaned when his hands started roaming all over my exposed tummy skin.

His greep tightneed. "Call me Hank sweety." His hands crawled down to my soaked panties as his finger dipped inside of me. "So tight and wet for me." His fingers roamed all over my pussy until my walls started tightening. Hank kissed my soft spot on neck making sure he is leaving a mark for everyone to see. When my body tightened he planted a soft kiss on my lips. "Cum for me baby."

My high come fast as I cum all over his fingers. "That was..." I breathed heavy.

"I wan't you back in detention next week." Hank whispered in my ear as he licked his fingers clean.

"Good morning I'm doctor Halstead and I'll be your doctor for today." You watched as a young doctor closed the door behind himself. "What can I do for you today Miss Y/L/N?

You pointed to your lower back. "It's been hurting me for a while now."

Doctor walked behind you and raised your shirt. "I'll just have a look." His long fingers removed your shirt leaving you only in your black lace bra. "I'll need to listen to your heart beat." He put the cold thing on your skin, making you jolt. "Relax." He calmed you down, putting his hand on your shoulder.

Goosebumps apeared all over your hanks and back and your face got red.  "Doctor Halstead..." You moaned.

"Call me Jay." He smirked and traced his cold fingers down your back.

"Mmm..." A moan escaped your mouth and you jumped up embarased. You were about to leave when he turned you around and pressed his lips on yours. "Jay."

"Let me make you feel better." He talked while he planted open mouth kisses to your exposed skin. "Lay down for me." He ordered and you did as he said no questions asked.

He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down to his knees. "You are so beautifull." He pulled your panties to the side and you thanked the god you were wearing skirt today. "Are gou ready?"

He positioned himself at your entrance and pushed in when you nodded. "Fuck." You raised your hips because his lenght was too much for you.

Jay kissed your breasts as he was trusting in to you with all force. "Fuck you are so tight." He moaned as his thrusts became sloppier. "I'm gonna..." Jay closed his eyes and leaned his forehead on top of yours until you both ride out your orgasm. He climbed off of you and adjusted his clothes just the right time when his nurse came in the room. "Miss Y/L/N, I see your problem needs to be taken care of more frequantly so I would like to see you in three days." He pretended to be professional. "But if the pain gets to bigg I want you to come sooner. Understood?"

You quickly nodded and exsited the room before enyone would see your messed up hair and red cheeks.

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