58. Taken treasure (Hank Voight)

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AlexandraDraghia this next one is for you. Have fun reading it.

Hank and Y/N were walking hand in hand from the dinner they just had. It's their seven year anniversary but they are still in love like the first day..

"Why are you suddenly so tense?" She held on Hank's hand a little tighter to show him that she is there for him.

Hank forced a smile. "Just a tough case at work. Very dangerous chriminal has slipped from us, rapist and murderer."

The streets were dark an a story like that coused goosebumps to apear on Y/N's entire body.

The pair walked a couple more minutes to their car but when Hank unlocked it he was punched in his head with a metal object. He fell down to the floor.

Y/N screamed and started crying. "Hank!" She wantes to kneel down next to him but someone grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up. "No!"

"We finnaly meet again sweet pie." He starts grooping her all over her body. "We are gonna have so much fun baby."

When Hank woke up blood was running down his face. He looked right and left calling out for her girl.


"Al, call the boys, someone took Y/N." Hank barked in the phone.



Al kicked down the hotel room door. "Police, put your hand above your head."

Hank walked in and saw the murderer he got away last night. "Rollins. You have three seconds to tell me where is my girl. One..." Hank smacked the lamp with a wooden bat. "Two." He threw a punch at glasses on the counter. "Next one goes to your head." He raized wooden bat up.

"Okay, okay." He laughed. "She is in the room next door." He wanted to stood up but Hank kicked his stomach.

"She better be okay." Hank spat at him. Then ran next door only to see YN tied to her wrists, hanging by her hands. Her mouth were ducktaped and she was only wearing her bra and panties.

"Baby I'm here, you're okay." He whispered while cutting her down and pulind the tape from her mouth. "Did that prick do anything to you baby doll?" He pulled her in tight hug.

She nodded. "No, but he was touching me all over my body Hank, I just want to go wash please." She begged.

"Okay Kim will take you home and I'll be there in an hour. I have some paperwork to do." He lied kissing her once more.

Hank went back to Rollins and smiled at him. "Al, Adam take him to the cell downstairs. And don't book him yet. I'm not done with him."

"You can't do that... wait." Rolins screamed when he realized he has made the biggest mistake of his life.

Too bad it was too late now.

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