100. Dark woods (Hank Voight)

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Yeahh extra long 100th imagine requested by Anonimus. 😍

It was dark, dark night and the only thing you could see was a pair of bright eyes in the darkness. There he was, a preditor, serching for his victim.

A lot of drunk girls walked past by but none of them was what he was looking for. He wanted the one.

Five minutes till midnight her nike's squiled down the tiled path, getting his attention. Her long brown curly hair jumped up and down every step she made. Her lips curved in to a smile just like that, every now and then. Something awoke in the preditor and he knew she was the one.

He adjusted his jeans and put a hoodie over his head to hide his face just in case...

He walked towards her. She looked at him and smiled the smile he didn't return. When she was inches past him, he turned around and grabbed her by her waist with one hand and by her mouth with the other. She wanted to scream but as soon as she breathed in the substance that was sprayed on the cloth she feel deep asleep.

It must of been hours till the brown haired beauty regains herself. She looked around all she saw were trees. The sun was starting to rise and she hoped someone would go for a morning walk and found her.

"We are deep in a woods baby girl. No one will come to save you and if you ran away from me, you will definenetly die." Dark hooded man spoke and she was surprised by his deep voice. In a normal life she would love it.

She got up and wanted to run when he wasn't looking but everything she saw was trees. "Take me home you freak." She demanded but he only chuckled.

"I'm Hank." He introduced himself but it bothered her that she still doesen't see his face. "You willlive with me for a while."

She punched him in the back but he didn't move. "Why am I here? Are you gonna kill me?" She almost cried.

"No!" Hank screamed. "I want you to love me."

Hank carried Y/N up the hill to his wooden house where he kept her for months. She never saw his face as they would talk only at night in her dark room.

"Hank.." Y/N called for her kiddnaper that she grew fond of during this time with him. "Why don't you ever show me your face?" She walked behind him and put her hand on his muscolar arm. She knew he could kill her with one swift movement but she needed to see the face behind that raspy voice. "Why don't you turn around and look at me?"

Hank closed his eyes. "Because it's not safe."

"Turn around." She whispered in his ear and when the large figure removed his hoodie her heart was beating like crazy. "It's okay Hank."

Hank tuned to face Y/N, lust filled in his eyes. He breathed heavy as he saw her bright eyes looking directly back at him. "Are you scared baby girl." His raspy voice was even deeper than usual.

She looked at him carefully. His hair were starting to get gray and she knows he is a lotnolder than she tought. His hands have veins popped out and she wants to trace them like all the girls do to their boyfriends at her school.

"No." She breathed out, lying. She was terrified but she wanted to know more about him at the same time.

He leaned closer in. "You should be."

Hank brushed his lips over Y/N's, in a slow motion. When he pulled her closer and felt that she also lusts for him, only then he captured her soft inocent lips in between his own.

He was surprized when she started kissing him back. He didn't waist no time as his strong arms roamed all over her body. That was something he longed for every since he saw her all those months back. Every night he watched her sleeping.

He quickly removed the dress he bought her and so she stood in front of him, naked. Hank pulled his shirt over his head and smirked when Y/N bit her lover lip. He knew she wanted him. He knew how good he looks despite his age.

When he pulled down his jeans and boxers at the same time, his lenght sprung free. Y/N looked at him with wide eyes. "I... I have never..."

Hank's eyes got even darker. "Baby girl are you trying to tell me you are virgin?" He teased and walked slowly towards her. "Are you telling me I wll be your first and your last, for the rest of your life?"

"Yes." She moaned. The closer they got the more she loved it. Hank grabbed her hands and put them on his hard on moaning when she played with it. "Just like that."

He pushed her on the bed and jumped on top of her when he couldn't take it anymore. "This might hurt." Before she had a chance to nod his lenght was filling her up. And after the pain came the pleasure.

For the first time Y/N woke up next to her abductor. He was facing her, still asleep and she observed every wrinkle on his face. Oh it was wrong to feel like this towards him but she now knows she wants to stay like this forever.

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