36. Our life depends on it (Kim Burges, Antonio Dawson)

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Requested and dedicated to user18693199. Thanks for reading and for the feedback.

Kim and Antonio were patroling the streets as a part of the new program called Back on streets. They have just recently became partners when Al died.

"Six more hours till the weekend." Kim smiled and poked her new partner in the arm.

Antonio stopped the car at the red light and turned to her. "You didn't just say thay, it brings bad luck."

Kim raized her hands in defence. "I'm shutting my mouth right away." She bursted out laughing because she doesen't believe in superstitions. "What could go wrong it's such a calm day?"

"Shots fired, East 65 street." Dispatcher's voice was heard from the radio od police car.

Antonio rolled his eyes. "You just had to..." He picked up the radio and responded to the call.

They arrived to the scene fourty seconds later. After checking the area they spoted a white male in his late thirtyes running in the abandoned building, so they ran after him.

Antonio ordered Kim to check a room to the left and he went to check the one one the right. They meet in the middle. "Left room clear." Kim announced.

"Right clear." The officers heard a loud thump upstairs and they looked at eachother and ran upstairs, Antonio first and Kim right behind him.

All the rooms were clear and they were about to turn around and leave to the car when suddenly a man with a rifle stood behind them. "On your knes!" He ordered and pointed his gun to Kim's head. "Do as I say or she dies."

Both cops kneeled down and threw their guns to the corner where the man picked them up and pushed them behind his waist, after he got rid of the amunition. He tied their hands rogether. "Let's go." He pushed them forward. "To the basement."

There he tied them to the chair and focused his attention on Antonio. "Now who wants to die first? You..." He punched him right in the nose, blood coming out of it in a second. "...or you?" He stepped towards Kim and pulled by her hair. He made a cut on her cheek, cousing Kim to whince in pain.

"I'm gonna kill you, you mother fucker. Leave her the hell alone." Antonio tried to free his hands from the ropes but couldn't. "Did you hear me you fucker."

He tried to piss him off and it was working. The man came closer and put his large hamd on Antonio's troath and started to choke him. Antonio saw this as his oportunity to smack his head on his head with all rhe force he could, and he did exsactly that.

The man fell down on the floor and Antonio kicked him one more time in the face. "I think he's out. Can you reach the knife in his pocket?"

Kim stretched her legs and was able to grab the knife with her feet. She caried it towards Antonio but it fell to the floor. "I'm sorry." She panicked and started to cry."

"Hey, hey it's okay I got this." He bounced back and forth and bounced once again until he fell over, breaking the wooden chair in the proces. He crawled towards the knife and cut the ropes behind him somehow.

He walked towards his partner and freed her as well. She instantly hugged him. They checked for the amunition but the gun was empty. "Let's get of of here and call for backup."

They ran towards the front door but they were locked. All of a sudden the man in the basement woke up and started cursing. Kim pulled Antonio towards the roof and he followed close behind her.

Everything went silent. They tought they were out of the woods when suddelny Kim smelled something funny. "Is this..."

"Gasoline." Antonio nodded. Not long after the heat was getting higher and the smoke was seen coming from everywhere. "Kim, do you trust me?"

Kim looked at his stretched arm, waiting for her hand to hold his. She furrowd her eyebrows. "Hmm... I quess I do." She hold on his hand like it was the last thing on earth.

"Then jump. Our lige depends on it" He jumped, pulling her with him off of third floor.

The last thing she remembers was screams.

"Kim, Kim wake up." Antonio called for her. She finnaly woke up and she was sitting behind her desk. They all laughed at her confuzed face. "You fell asleep as soon as you sat down behind your desk."

"Crap. I had this weird dreams. They felt so real." She scratched her head talking to Antonio.

"You can tell him all about it. You are going back out on the streets to patrol." Voight announced. "Kim you're with Antonio."

Kim looked at all of them and screamed. "Noooo..."

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