78. Cookies (Antonio Dawson)

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You groan in frustration. After whole afternoon of trying to make the perfect cookies for you boyfriend's children, you are white from the flour and the kitchren looks like the bomb exploded in it.

You look at your wrist watch. "Fuck, fuck Antonio should be home any minute." You hurry to dust yourself off when suddenly the front door closes.

"Princessa I'm home..." Antonio stooped at the sight. "What happened."

You exhaled and leaned your body on the cunter. "I am trying to bake. Key word trying." After taking off your aprint you throw it to the floor. "I just wanted to make something special for your kids."

Antonio smilled, showing his perfect teeth. "You are too sweet baby." He grabbed the doe and started to help her. "We usex to own a bakery and I will teach you some tricks." He winked at you.

After the cookies were baked the door bell ringed and you were hapoy that Antonio helped you bake so you could clean meanwhile. "Look who finnaly arrived." You hugged Eva and Diego who jumped in your arms."

Antonio kissed his kids and led them to kitchen. "Look Y/N made something for you two."

Eva and Diego ran with their little feets right to where the cookies were and start stuffing them in their mouths. "Jummy."

Antonio hugged you from behind and kissed your temple. "Thank you for loving us Y/N." He spoon you around and whispered in your ear. "I will show you how thinkfull I am tonight."

You grinned and kissed his lips. "Eeww.." The kids pushed their tongues out when they saw you cousing you to burst out laughing.

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