6. Unexpected undercover (Kim Burgess)

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This short story was requested by eccyuk. Hope you like it and thanks for reading ♡


"I'll do it." I quickly volenteer for an undercover job. I am new in inteligance unit so I have to prove myself to everyone especially to Hank, my boss.

Hank nodds and points to the screen.

"Meet Garry Ridgeway, aslo known as The green river killer. He is wanted for abducting over 70 strippers in New York but they could never prove his quilt." Said Antonio.

Kevind continued. "The victims were never found niether were their bodyes. He continues to walk the streets a free man."

Voight nodds. "I heard he came to Chicago so we have to catch this bastard. I will not let him kill on my streets!".

I nodded in agreement when suddenly Adam tugged on my sleeve. "Are you sure you want to do this? There are other lady cops out there."

"I'm in!"
I went to get my earpiece and a fake phone. As I came back upstairs a bag with clothea was sitting on my desk.

I open it and see revealing clothes. Short skirt and a shirt with a deep v-neck cut. Here we go.


The team leaves me on the streets and my legs are killing me already from high heals. I spot someone with a corner of my eyes. It's Ridgeway.

I'm fast behing him when I see him enter the back of the unknown building. And ofcourse I follow.

Inside the building there are two doors and I don't know where my suspect went to, so I just pick the left one first.

I open the door slowly and it it dark but there is light behing the curtain and I hear the music.

I decited to peek trough but suddenly the curtain openes and I am standing on a stage.

This couldn't get any worse. I look around me and all I could see was a bunch of guys looking at me and the crew all the way in the back.

I look to my left where is metal pole for strippers to dance on. Owh.. crap!

I look at Voight looking at me like I'm gonna blow my cover but I slowly start dancing to the seductive music.

I unbotton a few button on my shirt and turn to the crowd with my back facing them.

My shirt flew to the floor and I stood on stage in only my lace bra and skirt.

I turn towards the crowd licking my lips looking at my boyfriend Adam. His jaw is clenched and that only makes me more fired up.

I spot our suspect sitting at the bar looking at me so I get close to him and dance on his lap but when he tryes to tuch me Ieave.

The song was ending and I leave trough the curtain. I quickly take off my bra and throw it in the crowd.

I find another bra and t-shirt in the dressing room and put it on when suddenly someone presses himself against me. I try to scream for help but I pass out.

I wake up in a hospital just to see a familliar faces. Adam, Voight, Antonio, Kevin and Jay were looking at me and they could barely hold their laughs in.

"Yes, yes my performance will be the joke of the centuty I know." I said and cupped my face with both of my palms.

"Doesen't metter. We cought the bastard and he will spent the rest of his life in Statewill, all thanks to you Burgess." Voight said and patted my shoulder.

Jay congradulated me. "Yeah, good thing we found you before you could be his next victim."

I was released from hospital and we all went to Molly's where the stage was read for my moves.

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