29. Driving... me crazy (Jay Halstead)

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"Can I drive today?" You smiled up to your partner Jay, thinking today was the day he will finnaly let you drive.

He chuckled. "No, no your pretty smile won't save you, I've seen the way you drive."

He sat on drivers seat an yoi rolled your eyes, folllwing on the passanger seat. "You're no fun."

He speed up, and I exhaled. "He said I was a bad driver, phh." You whisper under your breath earning a smirk from Jay. "I'm about to vomit."

"Did you say something love?" He joked, hearing every single word you have spooke. You two arrived at police department, your frown was still on your face when you greeted some colegues.

You walk upstairs and sit behind your desk. "Glad for you to join us." Hank's raspy voice woke you up. "We have a body in Englewood, let's rool."

All six of you stood up and ran down stair to grab your gear. Each of two partners took a car, that's how it usually is. You exhaled dramaticaly because your partner was Jay.

He walked behind me, next to Adam and Antonio. "Hey Y/N! You're driving..."

Your eyes led up for a second.

"...me crazy." He laughed and you punched him in the upper arm.

"Jerks." You whispered and rolled your eye's at immature boys.

"Y/L/N!" Hank called and threw you his car keys. "You can drive my car."

You blinked three times just to know if you were dreaming or not but then you grabed Hank's car keys and pointed your thoung out to the boys. "Ha suckers."

You heard Adam when he said to Jay. "But he never leaves anyone touch his car."

You turned on the engine and step on the gas, leaving boys behind you in a clowd of dust.

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