150. Anxiety (Adam Ruzek)

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kxtythxms this one is for you.


You wake up before your fiance and walk outside on fresh air. As you sit on a balcony you start to shake and sweat so you close your eyes and try to calm down. "Hey baby, are you not asleep?" Adam wrapps his arms around you and kisses your neck. "It's cold why don't you come inside and we can watch a movie."

You pull on his arm as he tryes to walk away. "Adam... You love me right?" You bite down on your lip, waiting for the answer.

"What kind of answer is this silly?" He chuckles, planting a kiss on your head. "C'mon it's freezing."

You run after him and wrapp your legs around his body. The next day Adam's side of the bed is empty and as soon as you open your eyes you start to feel nervous. His phone is ringing but no one is picking up so you decite to drive to work a few hours earlyer.

"Hey Y/N you're in early." Hank giggles, handing you a cup of coffee. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no everything is fine I just couldn't sleep without Adam." You explain. "Where is he anyways?"

Hank shakes his shoulders. "I have no clue."

You tap your fingers on Adam's desk as the anxiety keeps building up. Your heart starts to beat faster, lauder you can almost hear it from your chest. Your palms get sweety and you fell the urge to throw up so you run to a bathroom. "For fuck sake..."

Your whole body starts to shake and you sit down, trying to calm yourself down. You remember the first time pannick attack happened and how scared you were as your body started to act strange but now it's just like the walk in the park because it happenes so often.

After a couple of minutes you walk to the dress room to change your shirt when you see Adam laughing next to Kim. Your hands start to shake as you think about tho worst case scenario, him cheating on you with someone better, more pretty.  "Hey babe..." He tryes to greet you and as much as you want to hide it all for the first time he sees right through you. "Are you okay, what is going on?"

You nod, wrapping your arms tight around him. "It's okay, it will soon past." You try to fake a smile but your whole body is screaming on the inside. Adam is looking at you for explanations so you give in and tell him everything.

"Listen to me..." He puls you on top of him, playing with your hair. "You are the one for me, the one I want to grow old with." He pulls a necklasse out of his pocket. "Kim was helping me pick the perfect gift for our annewersary."

You rolled your eyes, felling so stupid. "Dammit, I forgot."

Adam laughed, kissing your cheek. "Don't worry we will get through this together." He kissed your shaking hands, inhaling his favorite scent, your parfume.

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