64. Why isn't it me? (Adam Ruzek)

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Imagine was requested ny Corebore123. I hope you like it. ❤💙

He has his arms on her shoulders, pulling her close to him. Why not me?

She sits on his lap and get to kiss him when ever she wants to. And I don't.

I know I can love him better, better than Hailey. I like her, I just don't like her for Adam.

I look myself in the mirror like I do every morning. Did I gain weight again? A tear starts to fall down my cheek and I wipe it fast. I feel disguating and I know why Adam loves Hailey and not me.

I pack clothes for work, leaving lunch at home again. I need to lose weight. A terible headacke is beaming in my head so I pack some pils as well.

"Morning Trudy." I force a smile and try to forget about my growling tummy. I can't give in. I can't eat.

"You okay? You look sick." She observes me from behind her desk.

I chuckle. "Me sick... never." I say goodbye fast and make my way up the stars to inteligance unit where I instantly see Adam leaning on his desk.

"Morning amiga." He greets with his signature smile. "Glad you came I was getting bored over here."

I roll my eyes at my chrush refering me as a friend. "Where is everybody?" I look around the room, no one but Adam and I are present.

"I don't..." Adam gets interupted by Hailey walking in.

"Hey Y/N..." she greets me and I kindly smile back. "Hey babe." I turn around when she plants a kiss on Adam's lips. A kiss that lasts way to long to I fake a cough. "Oh, we are waiting for you two downstairs at a gim. We have a fight test on for today." She waves and storms back down.

"That explains why no one is here." Adam chuckles and put his hand on a small of my back, his skin touching my bare back. "Let's go amiga."

I rool my eyes and try to get his hand away feom me but in realitty I love every second of it.


"Okay now it's Upton's and Y/L/N's turn." Voight anoinces, cousing my stomach to turn. I hate fight tests and I'm scared what I might do to Hailey.

I stand up and my head is spinning. I toich my head with the palm of my hand and I can feel how cold it is. "Y/N are you okay?" Is the last thing I hear before I fall to the floor amd darkness ovetakes me.

"Adam... Adam." I whisper when I'm coming to my sences, my eyes still closed. I open my eyes and all of my co workers are staring at me. I blush.

Doctor comes in the room, bringing a folder with papers. "So miss, I have some not so good news." He sits down on the side of my bed. "You are dihaydrated and you don't habe enough of nutritions, vitamins and calcium in your body."

Everyone, including me, was quiet until Adam broke the silence. "What do you mean doctor?"

"I'm saying that miss Y/L/N needs to stop starving herself or she will have serious helth problems." Doctor puts away his papers and says goodbye, shutting the door behind me.

"And you did all of that, only for Adam to like you?" Hailey laughed and rolled her eyes, focusing back on her phone. "Crazy."

Adam leans close to my red fave and whispers in my ear. "I love you just the way you are."

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