98. Stronger than ever (Antonio Dawson)

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Corebore123 this next one is for you and all who wanted a second part of stronger.

Half a year ago my life was turned upside down when I meet Antonio. I never knew how fun life can be until I started hanging out with his familly. All the love and respect they hold for each other was something I never saw in my own familly.

It's the last day of school today and I am homestly scared for my grades.I have put school on the back of my mind because I wanted to train all the time. When I got the paper in my hand I was lost for words. I didn't pass. My dad will kill me.

I walked straight home from school,  practicing how to tell my dad. I was scared. I left the paper on the sofa.and ran to the bathroom. I still have an hour till he comes home.

"Y/N!" I heard him scream from the living room. "What the hell is this?"

I quickly ran to where he was, holding the paper with my grades. "Dad, I..."


"How dare you imbarase me like that you stupid piecenof shit." He raized his hand and slapped me again.

Only this time I raized my arm in defence and he fell to the floor, hitting his head. "Oh my god, dad."

"I'm gonna kill you you satan." He screamed and started punching everything that was around him until we heard the police sirens. Police officer bursted in right when I was holding a knife he wanted to throw at me so they put cuffs on me. "Don't you ever come back. You are worthless just like your mother."

At the police station nobody wanted to talk to me but a young officer Kayla. "Can I use your phone for a call. Please." I typed in Antonio's number and he instantly answered. I explained everything and when I finnished he was already standing in front of me.

"I talked to the main officer and we got an agrement. C'mon let me take you home." He offered his hand to me and I took it. "We will get through this as a familly, I promise."

I smiled and a happy tear escaped my eyes. "Thank you. Antonio, what was the agrement?"

"I promised him to take care of you as you were my own daughter." He explained and kissed my temple. "And if you want to, I would l love to make it official by adopting you."

I jumped in his arms. I said nothing because I didn't need to.

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