83. Memory loss pt. 3 (Jay Halstead)

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"I'm just gonna go. I'm sorry for everything..." He turned around and was about ro leave when I grabbed on his hand.

He spoon around and I gave him a hug. "Jay, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

I exhaled and motiones for him to sit down next to me. "I remember what happened right before I hit my head." I admited.

Jay smiled. "I'm glad. What did happen?"

"Jay." I looked him directly in his eyes. "I was pushed." His expression changed and I was scared to tell him the next part. "... pushed by Erin."

Jay stood up. "What are you talking about?" He jumped away from me. "Whay would you say something like this?"

I stood up and wLked to the edge of tbe roof. "Because I found out the truth."

"What truth?" Jay was getting more mad by second.

"Because I found out that she isn't pregnant." I screamed and Jay just opened his mouth.

"I can't believe what are you just saying just to break me and Erin." He turned and started walking away.

I shook my head. "You don't have to believe me. But promise me one thing, check out her pregnany belly tonight. I don't know how you've missed somwthing like that."


Jay walked home and he debated on to why Y/N would act like that. He clearly saw Erin with a big bump. And it's only a few days till her due date.

When he arrived home he quietly wallked in Erin's bedroom. She was in the shower and he sat down on her bed. It's true they are married but only because of their baby.

Jay still loves Y/N and he can't imagine sleeping with Erin. It just doesen't feel right. He cursed himself every day for sleeping with Erin nine months ago when you two were taking a break. That day destroyed his life.

Jay could hear water stop running and soon after Erin walked out wrapped in a towel. "Jay what the hell." Her face was red as he saw her.

"Y/N was right." He walkes towards Erin and pointed to her flat belly. "You fucking bitch. You almost destroyed my life." He cursed and walked in the walk in closet where her fake pregnant belly was hung.

"Please I can explain..." Erin cried but Jay didn't wan't to hear it.


There was a knock on my door. It was late and I wasn't expecting anyone so I only opened when I heard Jay calling for me. "What are you doing here so late?"

Jay threw his arms around me and pulled me closer. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. You were right, Erin isn't pregnant."

"I'm sorry... How on earth did she fool you?" I smirked.

"She wore baggy clothes and I slept on a sofa since the first day." He admited. "Y/N?"

"Yes?" I turned to fave him.

"We are okay, right?" He questioned.

"We will be." I smiled and gave him a hug. I am glad my accident brought the truth out.

Thanks for all the likes and coments for my 3 part imagine. I was blown away by how fast you got addicted to it LOL. And who knows maybe it will be a part 4 🙄😏

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