135. Arrested (Adam Ruzek)

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Two in a row 🙌🙌 😂 
Also happy birthday to this beautifull woman 🥰🥰🥰

Two in a row 🙌🙌 😂  Also happy birthday to this beautifull woman 🥰🥰🥰

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You were laying on Adam's chest, drawing circles on his skin. You could sense somwthing is roaming his toughts so you turned your face towards his, kissing his chin. "What is it?"

Adam kissed the top of your head, pulling you closer. "Nothing you have to worry about." He traced your thigh with his fingers, pulling them upwards. "I just want you, to forget about everything." He whispered.

The next day while you were all gathered at work Hank called Adam and Antonio to his room and shut the door close. You knew something was cocking but no one said anything. When Adam opened the door and locked his eyes with yours you knew he was in big trouble. He moved his head to let you know you have to follow him. "Baby I love you." He grabbed your head and kissed your lips passionatly. "Everything will be okay I promisse."

"You are scaring me." You cried, holding on to his shirt. "Tell me what is it I beg you."

Adam gulped down and told you everything. How Antonio killed someone while he was high on drugs and how he took the blame thinking no one will ever find out. But someone did and that someone is after him now. "So now Hank is trying to get me out of it without burrying Antonio in the process." Adam explained, holding you tight.

"Adam..." You hugged him, while he wipped the tears from your face. "Please tell me everything will be alright. Promisse me."

"I can't do that." Adam closed his eyes. "You are so beautifull." He smirked, kissing your lips.

"Adam?!" Trudy walked in the break room, her face serious. "They are here to place you under arrest." She informed and Adam suddenly let go of our hand. "They are waiting outside."

Adam nodded and turned towards you one more time. "Remember what I told you. I will be okay and they will take care of you until I return." He pointed to our co workers that were now standing at the door.

Adam started walking down the stairs all off them behind him. He greeted Trudy who gave him a sad smile and handed his gun and badge to her. Two man serched him and placed a cuffs on his hands. They shuffed him in the police car and took him away.

You stood there, crying, your hands in fists. Antonio walked towards you, trying to say something but your fists shut him up. "Don't... You are the reason he is in there." You shouted. "We all know you should be under arrest and not him." You jerked your arms away from Kim that was holding you back and unlocked your car. Those officers need to find out the real story, even if it means burrying your friend to save someone you love.

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