127. Listen this asshole! (Hank Voight, Jay Halstead)

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So I got a coment about how can my book have so many likes when my spelling is horrible and it upset me more than I tought it would... (I blame the quarantine 😂🤪)

I know I make many mistakes when I write and my first language is not english. But I write because I have a lot of requests and because it takes my mind off of things.

Plus this is called a fanFICTION so don't even talk about how Jay never calls anyone baby... Hank also didn't abduct a girl in real life but he did in my book. 🤔🙈

Anyways one bad coment won't put me down and sorry I just had to get this off my chest.♥️♥️

You are sooo welcome to correct me if you spot a mistake.

Also 😂😂😂 add me on INSTAGRAM


Now enjoy !


"Stop Jay, someone might see us." You giggle as he trails kisses down your neck in the break room.

Jay smirks, touching your skin with his nose. "Let them. I want all of them to know you are mine."

You pull away rolling your eyes. "So it has nothing to do with pissing off my ex, our boss?" You bite down on your lip when he grabbs your butt with his large hands. "He would kill you."

Jay was about to silence me when Kim bursted in. "Hey love birds boss wants us in the main room." She whinkes. Kim was the only one who knew about us and we want to keep that for at least a while.

"Kim, Y/N, you two will go undercover as drug buyers." Hank explains looking at you. "This is a very dangerous job but we need this off of Chicago streets."

"It's been ten minutes since we last heard from Y/N and Kim." Antonio ran up the stairs gaining both Hank and Jay's attention. "Mouse just pulls the fotage and is coming up to show us the video."

All the boys stare at the screen looking at two of their agents, friends being dragged in to a van. "Fuck." Jay mutters, rubbing his forehead. "I'll do the facal recoqnition."

Mouse stopps him. "Jay I did it already." He gave him unpologetic look. "It came back empty."

Jay punched the wal, breaking the sking on hus knuckles. "Hank, bite down on his lip. He grabbs a back from his safe and throws a money on the desk. "Take this give it to your informants and bring me something so that we can find them."

"Got something!" Jay announces. "The wan is parked in the middle of the woods. And the guys who took them were in jail for murdering tvelwe cops. They couldn't prove them so they got out a week ago." He looked at Hank. "Boss we need to hurry up, if he finds out they are cops..."

Half an hour later Hank kicks hard with his foot in the wan, making the signal going off loud. One of the man run out, shooting with his gun. Antonio shoot him in the leg but he kept on shooting so he shoot him in the head instead.

"After me." Hank nodds. "There is still one of them inside with our girls." Hank's heart dropps when he hears Y/N scream out in pain. "Move, move nooow!!!"

Jay pushes away his emotions and kicks down the door, running in looking all over to see her. "Clear!"

Antonio runs upstair, repeating the process. "Clear."

Hank and Jay run together in the basement when they hear Kim scream. "Let her go!"

You were laying on your back, shirt ripped. The man was hoovering over your body, trying to remove his pants. Jay shoot him in the back of his head and he fell dead next to your body. You look all over the room, not understanding what happened until you see Hank and Jay. "Baby." You call out and Hank was about to ran to you when he saw Jay already half way towards you.

"Are you okay?" Jay wippes the blood off of your face. "I was so worried." He slowly picks you up and carries you to ambulance car where Kim was already sitting.

"Thank you Kim, for doing what you did." You smile, putting your hand on top of hers. "Yo usaved me."

"Jay!" Hank called, anger written on his face. "Come here we need to talk." Jay looks at you blowing a kiss in your direction. He walks towards Hank who swings at him, punching him on the nose. "Didn't I tell you once that what is mine is off limits?" He spats at him.

"No offence boss..." Jay takes a step forward. "...she is no longer yours."

"Listen to this asshole." Hank points a finger in his face but Jay doesen't move. "You better have her back no matter what. And if you ever hurt her..." Hank leans in. "There is an empty spot at the silos, waiting for a body to dissapear."

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