65. The biggest mistake (Jay Halstead)

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This one was requested by futuremsmars. Thanks for reading. ❤💙

"Are you kidding me Jay. It was one drink with my highschool friend." You  point out your finger to your fiance Jay. "We were in a public and there was full of people there."

"That doesen't change the fact that he was your highschool sweetheart." Jay paced up and down your living room.

You chuckle. "Yeah. Key word... was."

Jay suddenly stops in his tracks. "So you think this is funny?" He grabs his phone. "How about I call Erin and book us a room in hotel."

You furrow your eyebrows. This agrument was diferent from the others. You loved Jay and you would never cheat on him. "Jay..." You spoke softly, tears ready to fall down any second.

After a few beeps Erin answered. "Hey baby are you free tonigh?"

You turned around from your fiance because all of this was getting ojt of control. Your heart was in so much pain because you didn't know why he was acting this way all of a sudden. "Jay." You warned once more, quieter this time.

Jay didn't stop there. "I can meet you at your place darling." He chuckled and hanged up the phone. "We have a date tonight.

You already had tears in your eyes since the second he called her darling. You knew how much Jay loved her, how much he still might. "Thats great." You turn around and his cocky face expression suddenly changed to a softer one. "Why don't yoi also give her this." You took of your engagement ring, slaming it in his chest so it bounced away and hit the hard ground.

Jay stood there now realizing je made tje bighest mistake of his life. He needs to fix it. "Daling, I'm so..."

You laughed and wipe the tears away. "You don't get to call me like that. I'm not your darling anymore." She turns around to leave. "Tell Erin I say hey."


It's been almost a month since you and Jay had the argue. You missed him but the words he said were rough ans the way he wantes to get bavk at you with Erin was to much for you.

You moved to a diferent city far away from him but he still managed to sneak in your dreams every night.

Today was your bitrhday and all you wanted to do was sleep but your friends invited you back to Chicago to celebrate.

You and Gaby were pretty wasted by the time you arived to Molly's. Jay was there with his friends, his eyes catching yours the second you walked in. "This is a bad idea." You whispered to your friend.

"Pff.. it will be okay. C'mon lets grab a drink." Gaby led you to the bar where he ordered a few shots.

Not even yen minutes passed when Jay was on your left. "Helo birthday girl. Welcome back to Chicago."

Your heart started.beating faster when his hand brushed yours. "Thanks."

There was a silence for a few seconds until you both wanted to say something. "You first." You chuckled.

"I miss you." Jay admited and you could smell vodka in his breath. "I'm sorry about the way we left things..."

He didn't even finish the sentence when you pressed your lips hungerly on his. "Shut up and kiss me."

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