27. Keep me grounded (Hank Voight)

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It's been a few days since someone killed Hank's son Justin. Hank was looking for him with all his power and you knew he would kill him when he finds him and you need to stop him before he does.

We got a call that security camera fillmed the man who was last seen with Justin. They sent us the video and we watched. At the end of the video we saw a man in his twentyes carrying Justin to the trunk of his car, locking him in.

Hank rushed out and we all knew better than to stopp him. "Okay lets find out who this dude is before Voight finds him." Al ordered and they all nodded.

Mouse was the first who got the hit. "Hey I got something. His name is Derric Brown, he is the ex boyfriend of Justin's friend Sofia that he was protecting."

"Okay lets get going till it's too late." Adam ordered. "Send us the adress Mouse."

You arrived at the adress and Hank's car was already parked out front. You looked at Al and he followed you inside. Adam, Antonio, Mouse and the other didn't know that Hank and you were seeing each other but Al did. "Y/N should go talk to him all the others stand down." He ordered.

You walk in the kitchen. Hank was turned around and you could see he had his gun pointed to Derric's head. "Hank." You calmly call for him but he didn't move a muscle so you walk to him and put your hand on his shoulder.

He looks at you, his face red from anger. "What are you doing here, go before you see something that will ruin your carer." He spoke, his voice raspier than usual. Yoi knew exactly what he was about to do.

You walk in front of him and put your palm on his cheek. "I can't imagine what you are feeling right now but please, please put the gun down." You pleaded. You were freaking out but you needed to stay calm.

Hank gripped hard on his gun and you knew this is the time. Eather he will kill him and destroy his life or he will handed him to police custody. "Y/N!" He warned sternly.

You lay your head on his chest, his heart was beating fast and loud. "Baby choose us." You cryed in his chest and when you heard a gun shoot you closed your eyes thinking everything went to hell.

Al and the rest of the guys ran through the door but you refuzed to open your eyes and meet the reality. Hank put his gun to Al and raized your head and in that moment you saw Derric kneeling down, having cufs put on his hands. "I chose you. I would always chose you." He whispered in your hair.

You felt a wave of relif going through your body and you hugged Hank. No more words were spoken because your look told him everything words couldn't.

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