136. Bestie (Kim Burges, Hailey Upton)

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This one is for you Multiiiifan 🥰🥰 I know you have been waiting for it for ages but I had like zero energy to write. 🙈🙈

Kim was sitting with her best friend at the pub, drinking beer. "Thank you for coming to my bachelorette party." Kim rose her beer up. "You are my best friend. My only friend." She gulped her water down, sadness visable in her eyes.

"Hey don't be sad." Hailey hugged Kim from the side, leaning on her shoulder. "We are always together. When you need help I will be there just like you are here when I need it."

"I know. I just tought that as important night as this would be packed with friends even if they were fake." Kim chuckled. "But having you is great too."

"You know what?!" Hailey jumped up, pulling Kim behind her. "We need a drink... Well I need something strong and you need a soda." She ran to the bar and jumped on the way back, holding apple juice for Kim and whiskey for herself. "Let the real party start." She whinked, making a large sip of her drink.

"Why did I agree to marry whle I'm pregnant." Kim groaned, sipping her apple juice. "Now you will get drunk and I will have to hold your hair when you throw up." She smirked.

"I hold yours when you found out you were pregnant." Hailey leaned back. "Do you remember when..."


Hailey put food on the table as Kim woke up in the morning. She saw her pinching her nose up. "Morning." She greeted but Kim suddenly put her hand on her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I was drunk last night." Kim lied, turning away from the table. "I just need to sleep it off and I'll be fine."

Hailey tought nothing of it until she saw her throwing up a couple of times that same day. She left it alone but when she heard a loud bang coming from toilet, she ran to take a look.

Kim was holding seven pregnancy tests in her hand. The lamp they got from Trudy as their house warming gift laying on the floor in pieces. "Kim?!" She didn't know if she should watch at Kim or the pregnancy test. Weather to cry or laugh like crazy.

"I can't fucking believe it." Kim protested. "This test has to be wrong."

"This one and all six others?!" Hailey smirked. "Kim you are pregnant."

"I don't know if I want to be." Kim cryed on the bathroom floor. "The baby doesn't even have a father."

Hailey raized her eyebrows. "Don't tell me it was immaculate conception?" She acted surprised, knowing it was Adam's.

"Ha, ha... This is sooo not funny!" Kim laughed.

"Maybe a little bit." Hailey grabbed Kim's hair as she leaned over the toilet to throw up again. "Listen, what ever you decide, to keep it or not, I will always be there." She whispered.

"Thank you." Kim wipped her mouth.

Hailey looked at the floor and bursted out laughing. "Seven test tho?"


"And here we are." Kim laughed, hitting two glasses together in a toast. "To us!"

"Forever." Hailey kissed her best friend on her cheek.

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