41. A part of our new life (Hank Voight)

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This imagine is dedicated to BriddScorpion she wanted a Hank one. Hope you like it.

You sat down on a hard metal chair and put your hands on the cold table. It felt like forever till the door opened and closed with a loud bang. You didn't want to look back, you didn't want to see the love of your life in this position.

Two police officers escorted Hank and cuffed him to the table you were waiting him at. You finnaly looked at him, his lip bursted, his eye black his nose red from bleedimg not so long ago. "Hello baby." He forced a smile but you saw right trough him.

"What happened?" You were trying to touch his bruized skin but the officer broke the contact even before it happened. Tears started to run down your cheek. "This is so freaking hard..."

"I know baby..." Hank breathed out his own heart was breaking seeing her like that. "How's everything out there?"

"Same old, sucks without you though." She missed him even though he was locked up for only two months. "I have some news." She smiled at him. How she wanted to hold him, she wanted him to tell her everything will be alright.

Hank leaned back in his chair. "Tell me beautifull." He was hoping for a good news.

"You know how I was sick right when you got locked up..." she paused. She was afraid how he will accept the new information. " Well I went to see the doctor and he found something." She pauzed.

Hank's heart was beating faster and faster. Cancer, tumor, an unknown deazise... he tought in his head. "Yes.." he spoke silently like he didn't want to hear the bad answer.

"Hank, I'm pregnant." She blurted out and started crying. In diferent
circumstances this would be great news but the father of her baby is locked up in Stateville.

Hank's eyes teared up from hearing such great news. "I love you so much don't ever forget that." He whispered. "How long?"

"Three months. You can't see it yet but the doctor said it is the size of a pear." She put her hand on her growing belly. "Hank... I'm scared."

"Don't be, everything will be alright." Hank smiled to her but the truth is he doesen't know where his life is headed. "Don't cry." He begged her when tears started to fall down her cheeks.

She wiped them with her shirt and faked a smile. "Time's up, I need to take you back to your cell." He motioned Hank to stood up. "You can kiss your pregnant wife." He winked at us.

Hank stood there and I threw my arms around him, pulling him as close as possible. "I wish my hands were feee so that I could hug you back." He pressed his forehead on top of mine. "I love you, both of you." He smirked and kissed my temple.

I walked out of the Stateville and ran into Hank's lawyer. "Hey, good thing I ran into you. I bring good news." He shooke my hand. "If everything works out Hank will be out in about a week. We found a witness that can prove his inocence."

You couldn't believe it. Hank will be a part of your baby's life after all.

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