166. Target (Hank Voight)

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You storm up the stairs and ring the door to inteligance unit. "Hey y/n, It's nice se see you." Kim hugged you, rubbing your back like she knew you were gonna explode with anger any time now. "C'mon in, Hank is in his office."

You made small talk and for a second she even made you giggle until you remembered why you really came. "Hank we need to talk. In private." You walked past him with no greeting him or giving him a kiss.

"What is it babe?" He furrowed his eyebrows but when he saw your angry face he knew exactly why you came. "Okay listen..."

"No you listen to me." You pointed your finger in his face. "You have been shoot at for three times this week and it's only thouseday!" You start to pace up and down the office. "Were you gonna tell me or just keep it away from me?" You shook your head.

"It was nothing..." Hank protested.

"Nothing!?" You screamed louder this time and you knew everyone heard but you didn't care. "Our son is with you every morning when you take him to school, every night when you play with him outside..." You wipe the tears that fell down your cheek. "Do not tell me it's nothing."

"Really y/n I got everything under control." He grabbed your arms sqeezing it lightly. His mouth turn into a light smile as he moved in closer to kiss you. "I was only hit in the leg."

You close your eyes after rolling them, still in his arms. "Its us or your work." You whisper, taking a step away from him.

Hank was shocked by your words. He knew his job was tough not only on hum but also on you and your son but he was not expecting thant. "What?"

"I said you need to choose. Do you wanna leave happy long life with your familly or stay here and get yourself killed. Simple as that." You repeated, your heart beating faster as you saw hurt in his eyes. "I can' wake up another morning thinking if you will come back to me." You put your hand on his.

"I can't leave work." Hank shook his head. "This means too much to me."

You let go of his hand and picked up your purse. "Than this is it." Your tears were barely able to stay in as you started to walk away from the man you love and god knows you only wanted good things for him. "You can see your son anytime you want..." You opened the door as you felt his hand reaching for yours but you pulled it away. "Goodby Hank."

Hank opened his eyes, letting out a cry. "Y/N...?!

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