167. Target pt. 2 (Hank Voight)

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I did not expect that many requests for part two but... Here it is. 😂😂❤️

It's been a long week since you broke things off with Hank and he hasn't called or knocked on your door even once. "I just tought this would be a wake up call for him and he would finnaly chose us over work." You shake your head, talking to Trudi. "He is just... An idiot that's what he is." You giggle.

"But you love him." Trudi furrowed her eyebrows, looking at you while sipping coffe from time to time.

A small giggle escapes your lips as you think of him. God how much you miss him. "Like a crazy maniak."

"Then tell him. Take him back." She suggests.

"No way." You protest. "I will not be the one who swallows the pride." You shake your head. "Besides he didn't call me once..."

"Well I gotta go to work, can you give me a lift?" She lied, trying to get you in the same space with Hank. "My car is broke down."

"Yeah sure." You agree and walk with your friend to the parking lot. You see a black car, the same one you saw in the morning and a few days ago. "What the..."

"Is something wrong?" Trudi glances in your direction but she has no idea what are you looking for.

You shake your head and drive off, looking at the rear mirror from time to time.


"Hey Hank!" Trudi storms up the stairs to inteligance unit. "Have you seen Y/N lately? We were gonna meet for lounch but she never came and her phone keeps ringing but no one picks it up."

Hank imediatley grabbs his gun. "Something is wrong she is never late." The team locates the phone in the abandoned house not far from your home. As they wait outside to burst in they hear three popps in the house. "Go! Go! Y/N ?!" Hank almost cries out.

"Hank!" You call out from beneath a man's body. "Get me out, please." You cry, shaking. "He tried to kill me so I shoot him." You try to explain. "I didn'mean to... I just wanted him away from me."

"Shh... It's okay babe. I got you now." Hank pulls you in a tight hug, kissing your forehead. "I got you."

"I tough we weren't safe around you but I was so wrong." You cry, holding Hank's face with your hands. "You are the one who keeps us safe. I am so sorry."

"It's okay." Hank giggles.

"If I never asked you to choose this might never happen." You wipe the tears away, huggung him tighty. "Can you forgive me and come back home. I miss you."

Hank pulls away from the hug and presses his lips on top of yours. "I was gonna come back today anyways." He admits. "For me there is no life without you."

You smirk as the rest of the team feels embarased. "Hank, you can stay in inteligance... But just, be carefull. Please." You feel him squeeze your hand, dragging you out of this nightmare. "Let's pick up our soon and go home."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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