111. Dissaproval (Hank Voight)

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For Zorexndra

Hank got home from work and kissed his wife Claudia. "Hey." He answered blankly.

"What's bothering you?" She tried to kiss him but he moved away from her. "Work. It's been a difficult week." He sat down behind the table and picked up newspapers. His mind flew directly to Y/N and the night they'we spend together.

Claudia put dinner on table and sat down next to him. "You know, Samanta has a new boyfriend. She wanted to bring him for dinner."

"No. Under no circumstances." He growled annoyed already. "I'm not in the mood."

"Too bad." Claudia smiled as the doorbell ringed. "They are already here."

Hank exhaled and rolled his eyes. That's something je has learned from Y/N. "Hey dad." Samantha came in and kissed his father on a cheek. "This is Evan, my boyfriend." Evan offered his hand to shake but hank just continue eating.

The dinner couldn't be more annoying that it was and when Evan left the house, Samantha walked to her dad. "So how do you think?"

He looked at her with tired eyes. "I don't like him. He talks way too much and I know his dad, annoying shit."

"Dad!" She playfully punched him. "Be nice."

"I don't like him period." He kisses his daughter cheek. "Sleep tight." He walked on the patio to sit and drink his bourbon when his wife joined him. "Aren't you in a bed already?"

"I miss you. I barely see you." Claudia sat on his lap and started kissing him. "I thought I could gave you a massage."

Hank pulled away and froze. "Y/N!" He threw his wife out of his lap and started running behind his young mistress. "Y/N, baby wait this is not what it looks like."

"You are married?!" Y/N stopped. "Don't touch me." She cried. "I believed you, I thought you love me." She punched his face. "Get away from me. I hate you." She cried. "I gave you my virginity and you betrayed me." She wanted to walk away but he pulled her back. "What was I, just a young bitch who you would toss after use?"

"No, no!" Hank tried to grab her arm but she pulled hers away. He hated that she was so stubborn. He hated that she is the only freaking person he can't control. "Please just... I love you."

"I don't love you." She ran away from him, breaking his heart to small little pieces.

Claudia and Samantha arrived to see what was going on. "Who the hell is she Hank. Why did you call her baby?" She screamed.

"Wow dad." Samantha clapped. "You act like you hate my boyfriend, like you are so much better than everyone but you are dating some girl that is almost younger than me." She chuckled. "Good job idiot." She walked away from him angry.

Claudia looked at him for some moments and then grabbed his hand. "C'mon lets go back inside."

"No!" He pulled his arm from hers. "I need to find her. I... I love her."

Hank sprinted after Y/N. To everyone else it seemed like he took advantage of a young girl but he knew in his heart, he loves her like he never loved anyone.

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