165. His secret (Hank Voight)

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It's not hard to say that all the boys in the unit have tried to flirt with you because you are the only girl working with them, but no one has been able to sweep you off your feet like Hank because he is a man and not a boy.

Although no one knows about you two, the all see the way he is looking at you, how he is treeting you different.

The first time he made a flirty coment you tought nothing of it because he had been joking around you before, the side of him not alot of people has been witness to but you have. He would put his hand on your shoulder and squeezed it, teling you sweet things in silence, smiling up to you.

You knew he was something special since the first day you saw him. His reputation was not the best so when you came in and started to argue with him and he just smiled you knew you were different to him.

"What are you thinking about so early in the morning?" Hank giggled, rolling more towards you. "You don't need to go undercover you know that."

You smiled, leaning your head and one hand on his bare chest. "I was just thinking about how we meet." You explained, looking at him with a smirk. "Why did you let me embarrass me in front of the team?"

"What?" Hank giggled, raizing his head up. "You didn't embarrass me, I tought it was cute you had the balls to talk back at me. That is the one reason I hired you."

"What is the other reason?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

Hank climbed on top of you and pinned your hands on each side of your head. "You were sexy as hell." He whispered in your ear, bitting down on your earlobe.


Hank was sitting in his office, doing some important paperwork when Kevin knocked on his office door. "Boss we have a problem." He gulped down, knowing Hank will go insane when he hears the knews. "Y/N is missing."

Hank looked away from the pappers and straight to Kevin's eyes. "Excuse me? What do you mean missing?!" His voice was calm but threthning.

Kevin exhaled, walking closer to him, the others standing not far behind. "We were disturbed by the guard. He almost made us and in the mean time two man took her and threw her phone out." He explained almost shaking. "Boss, we all know how much she means to you..."

Hank stood up and walked straight to him, stopping inches before his face. "You know nothing!" He screamed, pushing him away. "You were there to keep her safe and you lost her?!" He screamed to the others and no one dared to look at him. "I swear if she is not okay..." He stormed past them, not daring to finnish his sentance.

"Trudy I need you to track Y/N." Hank begged, tears in his eyes. Trudy knew Hank for a manny years and he never looked as worried as he did right now. "Someone took her." He explained and she knew exactly what he meant. "I gave her a necklasse with gps just in case something like this happens."

"Okay, give me a second." Trudy started typing and not long after Hank was already driving to the house in the woods, his team hot behind him.

They broke the door down, capturing the kidnappers and Hank walked straight to the door that led to the basement. "Babe!" He cried out when he saw her lying in a pole of her own blood. "I am here just hold on for a second." He picked her up and called for Med.

"Hank?" Y/N tried to speak but the words were silent. "It's not their fault." She whispered because she knew him all to well. "Promise me... You will not explode."

Hank giggled as tears escaped his eyes. "I love you so much baby."

"Promisse Hank." Y/N warned this time.

"Okay, okay I promise I will be gentile with them." He rolled his eyes, kissing you. "But I can't make any promisses for those two prick eho dared to lay their hands on you."

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