20. Shots fired (Antonio Dawson)

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You roll in your bed when you suddenly bump into something. You open one of your eye because you don't want to see it is light outside already.

Antonio was sleeping shirtless next to you. You open the second eye and smile grows on your face at the tought of your fiance.

He suddenly shifts and opens his eyes. "Good morning beautifull."

"No, no, no not goodmorning." You protest and put a cover over his head. "See it's still dark lets go back to sleep."

Antonio chuckles lightly. "Fine by me I have a day off anyway."

You waist no time to snuggle next to him and he throws his arm around your waist, leaving it rest on you butt.

A few hours later a phone rings. You two were still in a bed, talking about the incoming wedding.

Antonio picks up his phone. Hank's name was written over the screen and you knew instantly there is an imergancy at work.

"Okay I'll be right there." Antonio puts the phone down and looks at you with the I'm sorry look.

You exhale and put a pair of jeans on. "It's okay. Go save the world."

He laughs showing his perfect white teeth. I promise I'll make up to you tonight." He stoods up from the bed and flex his muscless.

You lick your lips and look at his v line. "You better." Throving your arms around him you pull him closer and deepend the kiss.

Antonio presses a kiss to your forehead. "I'll be back in no time. I love you."

"I love you too." You smile.

After a while you got bored and decited to visit Antonio at his work. You know a lot of officers so It's no problem if he was bussy, you will find someone to talk to.

You arrive at the district and Kim is already waving at you from the front desk. "Hello Y/N, it's so good to see you."

You walk to front desk and lean on it. "Hey Kim nice too see you too. Where is sergaint Plat by the way?" You question with furrowed eyebrows. You know she is the one in charce of this desk.

"Trudi is on her honneymoon. It took them a while to find a date that fits them both." She explained. "Did you came here to see Tony, cuz he is bussy with interviewing someone."

"I was just bored and district was the first plave that came to my mind." You chuckle. Being new in Chicago isn't easy. Especialy when all yoir friends are miles away in Los Angeles.

"I got you. Anyways.. when is the D day for you and Ant..." Kim was interupted by a loud gun shot.

All the officers took their guns oit of holsters and ran towards the back door. Your heart was racing. You knew interogation room was back there.

Someone screamed your fiance's name and your knees barely held yoir body on your feet.

You look at Kim and you both started running where the gun was being fired. You came to a halt at the scene.

Antonio was laying on the floor in a pool of blood. He wasn't moving and you didn't know if he was still breathing.

Tears start to run down your face and yoj sprint toward his injured body. Strong hands wrap around you and stol you to reach Antonio.

You try to lush them off but they are too strong. You scream and scream his name and it feels like time has stopped for you.

People were running from right to left, panicing. Ambulance pulled up and started to give him cpr.

They load him up and start to drive towards the hospital. Hank calls my name and points to his car. You ran and he drives with blue lights right after them.

You burst trough the big door of the hospital and wait for some nows.

After what seemed like forever William comes walking through the big red door. He wore a poker face that you couldn't read.

You intertwine yoir fingers and start praying for good news. Your heart was beating loud.

"We were in operation room for about three hours. The bullet went through his lungs and stooped there so we had to remove it." He paused and exhaled. "He has lost a lot of blood and he is still in critical state."

All of you felt like a huge rock was lifted from your chest.

William gabe you reasuring smile. "He is in the best hands with me amd Dr. Rhodes. And he wants to see you."

You wipe away your tears and step in the room where Antonio was laying. He was pale and weak. You sat on the bed and hughed him lightly. "Be strong for us baby." You whisper and kiss his hand.

So this is it. The third update today to celebrate 10k reads. I had this story in mind for a while but I chaneg its ending to a happy one.
Sorry for any wrong writting my fingers hurt like hell after writting this much. 💙❤

Plus my story is eligible for the wattys awards and I don't know if this is a big deal or no. I hope it is cuz I'm doing my happy dance. :)

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