Little Space

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{little space, swearing, implied past abuse, panic attack}

Tommy could feel himself slipping. Why did Wilbur have to slam the door so hard? Why did the air smell like beer and sweat? Why was his throat closed? Why did Phil have to leave? Why did he need to burden everyone? Why were they going to leave him?

Suddenly his brain went quiet and he started to suck on his thumb. He knew this would dry out his skin so he looked around quickly. Damn it. His pacifier was still downstairs. He started to cry.

Techno was in the room right across the hall. He heard Tommy crying and thought about waiting for someone else to deal with him. After a few seconds of crying he realized that Wil and Phil had gone to the store. "Guess that leaves me." He muttered as he stood and tied his pink hair into a loose ponytail that fell over his shoulder.

As he pushed Tommy's door open he saw his little brother sitting in the corner of his room sucking on the ear of a stuffed cat. The scene struck Techno as familiar somehow but he was already in panic attack mode. He kneeled next to Tommy. The boy looked up at his older brother.

Techno put his hand to Tommy's face to wipe away the tears. Tommy started to giggle gently before licking Techno's hand. Techno pulled away his hand and Tommy started to cry again. This time it was louder and the cat ear that had been put back into his mouth was not making it any quieter.

It clicked in Techno's mind. Kelly. He used to be really close with this girl back when he went to social events. Kelly would go into little space randomly if she started to get upset. She had brought a stuffed bunny everywhere in case she needed it. She would chew on it's ears too. Once, the ear had gotten chewed off and Techno had spent all night figuring out how to sew it back together.

"Tommy?" Techno questioned. Tommy shook his head at the name that registered as a big kid's name to his little mind. "Bubba. Can you tell me how old you are?" Techno watched as Tommy's eyes lit up at the nickname Techno had used when Tommy was younger. His tears started to dry as he held up five fingers then frowned and changed it to a four. He nodded at the number now present on his hand.

"Okay Bubba. Do you have a pacifier? If you keep sucking on the kitty's ear you might hurt her." Tommy's mouth instantly detached from the stuffed cat's ear. He nodded quietly. "Where Bubba?" Tommy shrugged and grabbed at his phone.

Techno watched as Tommy signed into his phone and opened an app. He held it out to his older brother sheepishly. The app seemed to be a preset thing for if you were in a panic attack you could tell people how to help you.

Techno read the page. "Hi. I am in little space right now. My father Phil knows how to help me. Please call him." There was a big red button that read "Call." Techno clicked the button and held it up to his ear. He kept his other hand interacting with Tommy. Tickling and giving him head pats.

"Hi Tommy." Philza's voice echoed through the phone.

"Techno actually. Where is Bubba's pacifier? He is going to chew the ear off the cat if I don't get it." Phil almost dropped his phone.

"Is he okay? It is in the junk drawer. Towards the back in a little red box." Phil handed his card to Wil and motioned for him to pay as he walked a few paces away.

"Yea. I think he had a small panic attack and then went little." Techno picked up the tall child and held him to his hip. Thank gods the child was light cause he only had one hand free to hold him. Tommy instantly became fascinated with Techno's hair.

He started walking down the stairs and to the kitchen. "Phil, as much as I would love to talk I need to have my hands for Bubba bye be back soon." Techno hung up and set the phone down on the counter. He opened the drawer and pulled Tommy's red box out. He presented it to the boy who had wiggled onto the counter.

Tommy giggled at it and when Techno got the red and clear pacifier out he popped it into his mouth. Techno hooked the clip to Tommy's shirt and picked him back up. They made their way to the living room where Techno sat Tommy on the couch with the cat and pulled the coffee table out of the way. He then picked up the boy and put him on the floor. The two of them played pikaboo and tickle monster for over thirty minutes until the door was heard unlocking. Techno scooped up the boy and went to greet Phil and Wilbur.

Wilbur was confused when he opened the door to see Tommy with a binky in his mouth and his legs wrapped around Techno's waist. Tommy instantly yelled. "Wilby!" And made grabbing hands towards him. The pacifier had been dislodged from the boy's mouth and Techno was sure to put it back in before laughing and giving the confused Wilbur the child. Wilbur held the child for a bit before Tommy realized that Phil was there.

Tommy squirmed to signal that he wanted down. Wilbur set him down with a confused smile. He had no clue what was happening but he went along with it purely because Techno seemed to be enjoying what was happening. Tommy ran and snuggled Phil into a hug and then Phil looked at his watch. 5:00. He picked up Tommy and took him to his room. Techno and Wilbur followed him and watched as Phil put Tommy into the bed.

Tommy yawned and then started to try and get up. Phil put a stern hand on Tommy's shoulder and held him down lightly. Tommy quickly tired out and Techno handed him a stuffed bee. Tommy cuddled the bee and quickly went to sleep.

Once they had all filed out of the room silently and made their way to the kitchen. "What the fuck was that?" Wilbur breaks the silence. Techno looks confused for a second before realizing Wilbur didn't know. He turned to Phil who nodded softly.

"Little space. Used to cope with trauma especially childhood traumas. Turns the thinking pattern back to that of a small child. Tommy said he was four. That number can change. I was friends with a girl a while ago who would go into little space when stressed or if she got flashbacks. She never told me what the flashbacks were but they seemed really bad. This is probably from whatever happened before we found him." Techno seemed uninterested but Wilbur had seen how happy Techno had been taking care of Tommy.

Techno walked over to his sparring bag and grabbed it. "I'm going to go spar with someone or something." He left, leaving Wilbur and Philza confused but they brushed it off and made dinner. As they cooked they talked about things they could get for Tommy next time he went little.

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