I Lika Da Bee

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I sat in my garden trying to ground myself when a small bee drifted over from a small flower. I heard it and quickly opened my eyes. I looked around to find the bee and it had landed on my thigh. It was one of those black ones that are said to bite and not sting. Doesn't matter, I have yet to be stung by any bee. I pet the bee and muttered happy thoughts to it. Bees are much more grounding than dirt. Which is dumb because they fly. And to quote a strange movie, they shouldn't be able too. I giggle at my own thoughts. I should really go start my stream. I promised Tommy I would stream with him. I slowly try to move the bee off my leg but it just moves to my hand. I shrug and move to my room making sure the window is open for when the bee decides to leave.

I call Tommy as I am setting up. It is taking longer than normal because I am trying not to jolt the bee. Tommy answers the call and we start chatting about school and other things. Once I finally get my stream going Tommy starts explaining what we are doing. Some sort of water rising challenge that WIlbur and Jschlatt did. As we were streaming the bee switched to my mouse hand.

"Buddy, you can't be there you are going to get hurt." I muttered to the bee absentmindedly.

Tommy perked up. "Who's with you big man?" Tommy's voice shocked me back to myself. I lifted my hand and showed the stream the bee. The chat went wild and Tommy started laughing. I chuckled along and then the bee decided it was time to leave.

"Okay, bye buddy." I called after the bee as he flew out my window. I went back to the stream and Tommy and I made bee jokes the rest of the stream. It was nice and I felt at peace and who knows, maybe the bee would be back later and I could play with him some more.

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